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St. Mary’s Parish Pastoral Council

Parish Pastoral Council Constitution

SAINT MARY’S NAIRN PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL CONSTITUTION   1. Purpose The Parish Pastoral Council is a consultative and representative body of Christ’s faithful whose purpose is the promotion of the mission of the Church in all its aspects in this Parish. The members of the Parish Pastoral Council will at all times work in close …

Council Members

Pastoral Council Members St Mary’s Nairn   Father Domenico Zanre John Dolan – Chairman Phil McBride – Treasurer                            Mary Collier – Secretary                            Marie Cruickshank – Social Secretary                 Garry Douglas Chloe Furze Stephen Knight Elaine McDonald Walter Wilson    

Meeting Minutes

Minutes of St. Mary’s Parish Pastoral Council meetings St Marys Parish Council Meeting 1st October 2023 (PDF) St Marys Parish Council Meeting 22nd March 2023 (PDF) St Marys Parish Council Meeting 11th January 2023 (PDF) St Marys Parish Council Meeting 26th October 2022 (PDF) St Marys Parish Council Meeting 24th August 2022 (PDF) St Marys …