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Bulletin 31st December 2023 (PDF)


Bulletin 24th December 2023 (PDF)

Thank you! – Fr. Domenico would like to thank you for all the kind wishes, Christmas cards, and gifts that he has received. They are much appreciated. He would also like to thank those of you who assist in any way in our parish: without you, our liturgies and events would not be possible! Finally, to all the parishioners of St. Mary’s, in great gratitude for your support, patience, and prayers throughout the past year. As a parish family, we rely on one another, and each of you has your part to play. Thank you!

St. Mary’s 90 Club: Our Grand Christmas Draw takes place this Sunday, 24 December! Good luck to those of you who have a ticket!


“Let us go over to Bethlehem and see this thing which has happened which the Lord has made known to us” (Lk 2:15). This is what the shepherds say to one another after the angel has shared the Good News of the Saviour’s birth. Once again, we too want to go to Bethlehem and to see God’s gift in the new-born Child. Even if we are physically alone, we don’t go alone. We go with believers all over the world as members of the Church, walking together and in communion with one another and the Successor of Peter. We go with the people we carry in our hearts. We go mindful of those enduring war or sickness or hardship and who may not be able to acknowledge Christ or experience any of the joy the angels announce. We go for others as well as ourselves, simply and doggedly like the shepherds and the wise men. Even animals and angels are involved: the whole of creation is realigned by the Child in the manger. He is the still centre of the turning world. He is magnetic, with a power to draw which is all his own. And when we reach him, what do we see, what do we come to? “To the things that cannot be and that are”, as someone wisely and wonderfully said.

Things that cannot be and that are: a virgin who is a mother; a man who is God; men and women born again to eternal life as children of the Father. These are things that, left to ourselves, we would all say “cannot be”, that don’t happen. But Christmas says they have happened and “are”. Wonders. We are so sure we know what’s possible, what can happen and what can’t. We are so stuck in our mindsets. Christmas blows things open. Christmas gives birth to other possibilities. We are allowed to imagine and dream. We can venture and dare. We can try. Above all, in faith and hope, we can entrust our baffled selves and our ravaged world to an ultimate Love. We can learn what Mary learned: “nothing is impossible to God” (Lk 1:37).

I wish you all the best of Christmasses,

Yours devotedly in Christ,

+ Hugh OSB


Bulletin 17th December 2023 (PDF)

Today: Bambinelli Sunday! – Each year on Gaudete Sunday, the Third Sunday of Advent, children in Rome bring their Baby Jesus figures from the cribs in their homes to St. Peter’s Square where the Pope blesses both them and the figurines during the Angelus. Fr Domenico will bless all ‘Bambinelli’ at the Sunday Mass. Don’t forget to take them with you!

Today: Children’s Christingle Service, 4.00pm – All children are welcome to take part; simply speak to Maria or Bridget, or Fr. Domenico. All children meet in the church hall at 2.30pm ‘on the day’, to prepare before the Service. 

Wednesday 20 December: Advent Reflections at St. Columba’s Culloden from 6.00pm-7.30pm – the last evening takes place in St. Columba’s. There will be Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Adoration, opportunities for Confession, the Advent Reflection,
Night Prayer, and Benediction. The speaker will be Fr. Andrzej Niski.

Thursday 21 December at 7.00pm: St. Columba’s Christmas Concert. With readings, singing, special guests, and festive refreshments.

Unclaimed Raffle Prizes! – 273 Orange-White Border; 468 Orange-White Border; 37 Orange-White Border; 97 Pink; 59 Green; 70 Green; 131 Green; 85 Blue; 164 Yellow-White Border. If unclaimed by next Sunday, 24 December, they will be re-raffled.

Christmas Mass times: Vigil (Sunday 24 December): 6.00 pm/6.30pm; Mass of Christmas Day (Monday 25 December): 11.30 am.

St. Mary’s 90 Club: Our Grand Christmas Draw takes place this Sunday, 24 December! Good luck to those of you who have a ticket!


Bulletin 10th December 2023 (PDF)

Christmas Fayre 2023 – our total for the morning (including raffles) was £1,600.00. Thank you again for making this such a success.

Christmas Flowers – we are blessed with the generosity and talents of parishioners, who always provide us with such beautiful flowers for Christmas. Would you consider helping us with a donation, which will go towards making our church even more beautiful, and fitting for celebrating the birth of Our Saviour? Thank you!

Bambinelli Sunday: Next Sunday, 17 December! – Each year on Gaudete Sunday, the Third Sunday of Advent, children in Rome bring their Baby Jesus figures from the cribs in their homes to St. Peter’s Square where the Pope blesses both them and the figurines during the Angelus. Fr Domenico will bless all ‘Bambinelli’ at the Sunday Mass. Don’t forget to take them with you!

Thursday 21 December at 7.00pm: St. Columba’s Christmas Concert. With readings, singing, special guests, and festive refreshments.

Christmas Mass times: Vigil (Sunday 24 December): 6.00 pm/6.30pm; Mass of Christmas Day (Monday 25 December): 11.30 am.

St. Mary’s 90 Club: Our Grand Christmas Draw takes place on Sunday 24 December! Good luck to those of you who have a ticket!

Parish Health & Safety Rep: we need a H&S rep (checks of extinguishers, electrical appliances, testing). Speak to Fr. Domenico.


Bulletin 3rd December 2023 (PDF)

‘Thank You!’ to everyone who helped in any way to make our Christmas Fayre such a success! It was a wonderful day for the parish!

Highland Foodbank Reverse Advent Calendar – if you have been collecting for the Highland Foodbank throughout the month of November, would you be so kind as to hand in your items as soon as possible, please? Many thanks.

Advent Reflections: each Wednesday evening during Advent, from 6.00pm-7.30pm, the Priests of the Highland Deanery have arranged reflections in different parishes. Here are the dates, locations, and speakers:
Wednesday 06 December (St. Nicholas) – St. Ninian’s Inverness – Fr. Justin Edathil
Wednesday 13 December (St. Lucy, Virgin & Martyr) – St. Mary’s Beauly – Fr. Dominic Nwaigwe
Wednesday 20 December – St. Columba’s Culloden – Fr. Andrzej Niski

Mary’s Meals: ‘Double the Love’ Appeal – from now until 22 January, any donations made to Mary’s Meals will be doubled by a group of generous donors, up to £1 million. A donation of just £19.15 can feed a child every day for an entire school year. Because your gift will be matched by our benefactors, the same donation will feed a second child, too!

Saturday 9 December, 10am-3pm: Day of Recollection at Stratherrick – for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. With two talks, Rosary, Mass, opportunities for the Sacrament of Confession, lunch, Adoration and Benediction. All welcome!

Sunday 17 December: Children’s Christingle Service, 4.00pm – All children are welcome to take part; simply speak to Maria or Bridget, or Fr. Domenico. All participants meet in the church hall at 2.30pm ‘on the day’, to prepare before the Service.

Gift Aid: we have received from HMRC our Gift Aid payment for 2022-2023, which is £3654.85. As you can see, Gift Aiding your contributions to the parish is a wonderful way of increasing your support for St. Mary’s.. at no extra cost to yourselves!


Bulletin 26th November 2023 (PDF)

Saturday 2 December: St. Mary’s Christmas Fayre in the British Legion, 10.00am-12.00 noon – a date for your diaries! Raffle prizes and bottles can be handed in to the hall. Baking nearer the time will be welcome, as will volunteers to assist ‘on the day’. Many thanks. Christmas Fayre Volunteers – we would appreciate your help, in any way! Please sign up on the noticeboard. Thank you!

Saturday 2 December, St. Columba’s Children’s Christmas Party, 2.00pm-4.00pm – A date for your diaries! Santa has been notified, and has promised us that he will come to visit St. Columba’s! Please note, Mums: Selection Boxes wrapped up! There will be music, games, surprises, and more! Please spread the word, to ensure that as many children as possible come along and join in the fun!!


Bulletin 19th November 2023 (PDF)

21 November: Nairn Old Parish Church: Men’s Fellowship – meeting on Tuesday 21st November at 7.30pm in the Church Hall. The Speaker is our own Chris Birks, who will give an illustrated talk entitled “Fifty Plus Years of Flying: from Gypsy Moth to Royal Air Force Jets to Netjets, with early pioneers, Royalty and Astronauts”. Entrance fee: £2.00 (includes refreshments).


Bulletin 12th November 2023 (PDF)

Saturday 2 December: St. Mary’s Christmas Fayre in the British Legion, 10am-12 noon – please hand in all raffle prizes and bottles now, as well as items for the hampers. Any unwanted hamper baskets would be appreciated. Baking nearer the time will be welcome, as will volunteers to assist ‘on the day’. Many thanks.

Christmas Fayre Volunteers – we would appreciate your help, in any way! Please sign up on the noticeboard.


Bulletin 5th November 2023 (PDF)

November: Month of the Holy Souls – November is the month when we remember our dearly departed. If you would like to have any deceased relatives or friends remembered at Mass during November, please place their names in the brown envelopes in the foyer, and hand these in to the Sacristy. All names will be placed in front of the altar, and a selection will be read out at every Mass.

Highland Foodbank Reverse Advent Calendar – can you help those in need this Christmas? The Highland Foodbank is organising parcels for Christmas. If you would like to help them, please consider donating the items listed each day on the posters and handouts.

Advent Reflections: each Wednesday evening during Advent, the Priests of the Deanery have arranged the following reflections:
Wednesday 06 December (St. Nicholas) – St. Ninian’s Inverness – Fr. Justin Edathil
Wednesday 13 December (St. Lucy, Virgin & Martyr) – St. Mary’s Beauly – Fr. Dominic Nwaigwe
Wednesday 20 December – St. Columba’s Culloden – Fr. Andrzej Niski
6.00pm-6.45pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, & opportunity for the Sacrament of Confession
6.45pm-7.05pm Advent Reflection, followed by Night Prayer, Benediction and Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament

St. Mary’s 90 Club: October Winners! – First Prize: Merina McBride; Second Prize: Beth Mayberry; Third Prize: Irene Forsyth. Congratulations to our winners! Would you like to join in the fun, too? Please speak to Fr. Domenico.


Bulletin 29th October 2023 (PDF)

Solemnity of All Saints: Please note that All Saints’ Day is a Holy Day of Obligation. We will therefore be offering two Masses: one at 10.00am, as usual, and an evening Mass at 6.00pm. Please do try to make every effort to attend.

November: Month of the Holy Souls – November is the month when we remember our dearly departed. If you would like to have any deceased relatives or friends remembered at Mass during November, please place their names in the brown envelopes in the foyer, and hand these in to the Sacristy. All names will be placed in front of the altar, and a selection will be read out at every Mass.

Men’s Rosary Group – no meeting on Thursday 2 November (All Souls’ Day)

Piety Stall – Christmas cards are on sale at the back of the church. If you wish to order a Nativity crib, please speak to Emily, who can order one for you, directly from our supplier’s catalogue.

St. Columba’s Culloden: Prize Bingo returns! – on Friday 3 November & Friday 1 December. Eyes down at 7.00pm. All welcome!

St. Mary’s 90 Club – Next Draw: TODAY, Sunday 29 October! Would you like to join in the fun, too? Please speak to Fr. Domenico.


Bulletin 22nd October 2023 (PDF)

Thursday 26 October at 6.00pm: Sacramental Preparation classes for Holy Communion and Confirmation begin, in the hall.

Friday 27 October at 7.00pm: Adoration and Faith Sharing Group – Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the church from 7.00pm onwards, followed by Scripture reading and sharing together in the hall. We will also spend a short time at the end of the evening in prayer for Parish intentions for each other, as well as for Nairn itself, and for those who do not walk with God at this time.


Bulletin 15th October 2023 (PDF)

Tuesday 24 October at 7.30pm: Men’s Fellowship at the Old Parish Church. Entry £2. Fortnightly meetings. all men welcome.

St. Columba’s Culloden: Prize Bingo returns! – on Friday 3 November & Friday 1 December. Eyes down at 7.00pm. All welcome!

Saturday 2 December: St. Mary’s Christmas Fayre in the British Legion, 10am-12 noon – a date for your diaries! Raffle prizes and bottles can be handed in to the hall. Baking nearer the time will be welcome, as will volunteers to assist ‘on the day’. Many thanks.

Christmas Fayre Volunteers – we would appreciate your help, in any way! Please sign up on the noticeboard. Thank you!


Bulletin 8th October 2023 (PDF)

Wednesday 11 October at 7.00pm: Parish Pastoral Council Meeting – any last minute AOCB items to Fr. Domenico, please.

‘Power of Grace’ Retreat with the Dominican Sisters, at St. Michael’s Centre in Tomintoul for S2-S3 Students – this retreat take place on 3-5 November. With outdoor activities, fun games, the opportunities to make new friends from around the diocese, music and prayer, and much more! For more information, or to register, please contact Sr. Bernadette Marie at:

Church & Hall Rotas – the new rotas are now available, and on the notice-board. Please check them if you are involved in any roles.

St. Columba’s Culloden: Prize Bingo returns! – on Friday 3 November & Friday 1 December. Eyes down at 7.00pm. All welcome


Bulletin 1st October 2023 (PDF)

Wednesday 4 October at 1.00pm: St. Joseph’s Anniversary Mass at St. Mary’s Inverness, to celebrate 80 years of St. Joseph’s RC Primary School. The Mass is followed by an Open Afternoon in the school, with an exhibition of photos and archives.

Wednesday 11 October at 7.00pm: Parish Pastoral Council Meeting – if you have any issues that you would like raised at the meeting, please speak to Fr. Domenico.

Men’s Rosary Group – the group meets in the church, on Thursday mornings at 6.00am.

Craft and Arts Group – the next meeting of the group is on Thursday 12 October at 7.00pm in the hall. All welcome.

‘90 Club’: September Winners! – First Prize: Joan Cameron; Second Prize: Mary Collier; Third Prize: Edward Quinn. Congratulations to all our winners. Would you like to join in, too? Speak to Elaine for details.


Bulletin 24th September 2023 (PDF)

Next Friday, 29 September, at 7.00pm: Adoration and Faith Sharing Group – Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the church from 7.00pm onwards, followed by Scripture reading and sharing together in the hall. We will also spend a short time at the end of the evening in prayer for Parish intentions for each other, as well as for Nairn itself, and for those who do not walk with God at this time.

Saturday 2 December: St. Mary’s Christmas Fayre in the British Legion, 10am-12 noon – a date for your diaries! Raffle prizes and bottles can be handed in from now on to the hall, after Sunday Mass. Baking nearer the time will be most welcome, as will volunteers to assist ‘on the day’. Many thanks.

‘90 Club’ – Next Draw takes place this Sunday, 24 September! Would you like to join in, too? Speak to Elaine for details.


Bulletin 17th September 2023 (PDF)

3-10 October 2024: “Walking in the Footsteps of St. John Paul II: A Pilgrimage to Wojtyła’s Poland” – this is advance information of a pilgrimage that is being planned and led by Fr. Domenico, together with Fr. Laurence Gambella (St. Mary’s, Inverness), and Fr. Ryszard Świder, a priest based at the Shrine of Divine Mercy in Krakow. We will stay at this Shrine, located next to the Pope John Paul II Centre, with anticipated visits to: Częstochowa, Kalwaria Zebrzydowska, Wadowice, Wieliczka Salt Mine, Auschwitz, and much more. Estimated cost: £1,200 pp; please note that the dates are not definitive. If you would like to register your interest, without obligation, please speak to Fr. Domenico.


Bulletin 10th September 2023 (PDF)

Thursday 14 September – Reception into the church of Peggy Walker, RIP.  Liturgy of Reception 4.00 pm
Friday 15 September – Funeral Mass of Peggy Walker, RIP. Holy Mass 12.30 pm.

Parish Craft Group – A new group, focusing on arts and crafts, will meet together every Wednesday, beginning 20 September at 7.00pm. Why not come along, and learn a new hobby, or develop and improve your skills?! Everyone welcome.


Bulletin 3rd September 2023 (PDF)

Children’s Liturgy takes place every Sunday – please do spread the word, and encourage your child(ren) to get involved!

Saturday 9 September: Morning of Renewal for Readers and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHCs) – this event is for ALL Readers (Vigil and Sunday morning), and ALL EMHCs. PLEASE do try and attend this event, if you can; it is being organised for your benefit! The day begins at 10.00am, and concludes at 1.00pm, with a half-hour coffee & comfort break.

Saturday 16 September: Mary’s Meals Open Day in Inverness – Mary’s Meals provides school meals to over 2.4 million children in some of the world’s poorest communities. We warmly invite you to attend the charity’s Open Day in Inverness from 1.30-3.30pm on Saturday 16 September, at the Spectrum Centre, 1B Margaret Street IV1 1LS. Join us to hear updates on the impact of the work of Mary’s Meals from our local Supporter Engagement Officer, meet our volunteers and browse our stalls, featuring home-baking, crafts,
bric-a-brac and a raffle. To book your free place, please visit their website at: or contact Sue Dalton:, or telephone: 01470 521570.

Monday 25 September-Sunday 8 October: The Shroud of Turin Exhibition! – at St. Mary’s Cathedral, Aberdeen. Fr. Domenico is organising a group to visit on Monday 2 October, via car sharing. If anyone would like to attend, please let Fr. Domenico know ASAP.

‘90 Club’ Draw: August Winners! – First Prize: Bruce Lamont; Second Prize: Evelyn Hunter; Third Prize: Marie Neilan. Congratulations to all our winners! Would you like to be a winner too? Speak to Elaine for details.


Bulletin 27th August 2023 (PDF)

Monday 25 September-Sunday 8 October: The Shroud of Turin Exhibition! – at St. Mary’s Cathedral, Aberdeen. A full-size replica of the Shroud is coming to our Cathedral! There will also be Group Guided Tours organised, together with screenings of ‘The Silent Witness’, and Q&A. Fr. Domenico is organising a group to visit on Monday 2 October, via car sharing. If anyone would like to attend, please let Fr. Domenico know ASAP.

Men’s Rosary Group – this group will begin next week, in the church, beginning Thursday 7 September, at 6.00am. If you would like to take part, simply come along. Ladies: if you would like to begin a similar group, please do feel free!!


Bulletin 20th August 2023 (PDF)

TODAY: Children’s Liturgy Returns! – Now that the Summer holidays have concluded.. our Children’s Sunday Liturgy resumes! Please do spread the word, and encourage your child(ren) to get involved!

Monday 25 September-Sunday 8 October: The Shroud of Turin Exhibition! – at St. Mary’s Cathedral, Aberdeen. A full-size replica of the Shroud is coming to our Cathedral! There will also be Group Guided Tours organised, together with screenings of ‘The Silent Witness’, and Q&A. If anyone would like to attend, as a group, let Fr. Domenico know ASAP.


Bulletin 13th August 2023 (PDF)

Children’s Liturgy Returns! – Now that the Summer holidays have concluded.. our Children’s Sunday Liturgy resumes! Please do spread the word, and encourage your child(ren) to get involved!

Lost & Found: Hearing Aid – this was found lying on a pew, on the organ side of the church. Please ask in the Sacristy.

Saturday 2 September at 11.30am: Highland Deanery Pilgrimage, with Mass, at the parish of St. Peter & St. Boniface, in Cathedral Square, Fortrose. Principal Celebrant: Bishop Hugh Gilbert OSB. Come along and support this Deanery initiative!

Saturday 9 September: Morning of Renewal for Readers and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHCs) – this event is for ALL Readers (Vigil and Sunday morning), and ALL EMHCs. PLEASE do try and attend this event, if you can; it is being organised for your benefit! The day begins at 10.00am, and concludes at 1.00pm, with a half-hour coffee & comfort break.

Men’s Rosary Group – this group will begin next month, in the church, every Thursday at 6.00am, from 7 September onwards. If you would like to take part, simply come along. Ladies: if you would like to begin a similar group, please do feel free!!


Bulletin 6th August 2023 (PDF)

‘90 Club’: July Winners! – First Prize: Kirsty Gordon; Second Prize: Kevin Close & Family; Third Prize: Emily Lamont. Congratulations to all our winners! Would you like to be a winner too? Speak to Elaine for further details.


Bulletin 30th July 2023 (PDF)

“YOUR PARISH NEEDS YOU!” – We are in need of new READERS for the VIGIL MASS each Saturday, as well as much-needed new SACRISTANS, to help with preparing for our liturgies, and FLOWER ARRANGERS, to beautify the church. Can you possibly spare a little time to help us in the Parish? Please speak to Fr. Domenico. All assistance will be gratefully received!

EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION (EMHC) – are you an EHMC? Do you have the time to visit any of our housebound parishioners with the Blessed Sacrament? Please do speak to Fr. Domenico! Full training offered. We will also have a Day of Recollection for ALL parish Extraordinary Ministers in due course.

90 Club: DRAW TODAY, Sunday 30 July! – Would you like be a winner too? Why not join us in the hall, after Sunday Mass?!


Bulletin 23rd July 2023 (PDF)

A warm St. Mary’s welcome to our visitors! – Toilet facilities are available in our hall (entrance around the back). Why not join us for tea/coffee and good company after Sunday Mass?!

Friday 28 July: Adoration and Faith Sharing Group – Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, The Bible sharing together in the hall. We will also begin to spend a short time at the end of the evening in prayer for Parish intentions for each other, as well as for Nairn itself, and for those who do not walk with God at this time.

Prayer Intentions – the Adoration group would like to invite the Parish to leave any intentions that they may have to be prayed for by the group. Prayer is powerful, and it is important as fellow Catholics to be praying for one another. Obviously, the privacy of your intentions is taken very seriously. The Priests already pray for us, and there is a box beside the Confessional in which people can put their intentions. If you would like the Adoration group to pray for you, or your situation, please mark it ‘Adoration’ and then a first name, or even an initial, will be enough – God knows what you need. Many thanks, Eric.

90 Club: Draw on Sunday 30 July! – Would you like be a winner too? Why not join us in the hall, after Sunday Mass?!


Bulletin 16th July 2023 (PDF)

THIS SATURDAY, 22 July – Day of Recollection at the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Stratherrick: ‘The Seven Sorrows of Mary’. With Fr. James Bell and Fr. Ryszard Swider. The day begins at 10.00am, and concludes at 4.00pm. For details, please see the poster on the notice-board. If you will be attending, please inform the office at St. Mary’s, on 01463 233519.

Highland Foodbank, July/August – can you help, by donating an item or two from the following list? The Foodbank store is short of: tins of corned beef, cartons of long life juice, jars of pasta sauce, oatcakes/crackers, tins of: chopped tomatoes, ham, and mince/meatballs, tins of fruit, washing-up liquid, deodorant, toilet rolls, new or used bags for life. Thank you for your support.


Bulletin 9th July 2023 (PDF)

Today’s Special Collection: Stella Maris –Today is Sea Sunday, when the Church prays for all those who live and work at sea. for Stella Maris (Apostleship of the Sea) is the Church’s official maritime welfare agency. It supports seafarers both practically and spiritually. This annual collection is vital to enable it to continue its work.

Saturday 5 August: Afternoon Tea & home bakes in the Church Garden! – We are planning an afternoon event in the garden, from 2.00pm-4.00pm. We are looking for folk to: 1) set up; 2) provide home bakes; 3) serve tea, coffee, and goodies; and 4) tidy away. Please see the sign-up sheet at the back of the church. Any help will be gratefully accepted. Please spread the word!

Sacramental Preparation at St. Mary’s – if your child is of Primary 3 age (8) or thereabouts, or is in Primary 7 or S1 912-13), and has yet to make their First Confession, First Holy Communion, or receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, please speak to Fr. Domenico, Maria, or Bridget. Thank you.


Bulletin 2nd July 2023 (PDF)

Today’s Special Collection: Peter’s Pence – this Special Collection is for the charitable works and institutions supported by the Holy See in Rome. “‘Peter’s Pence’ is the most characteristic expression of the participation of all the faithful in the Bishop of Rome’s charitable initiatives in favour of the universal Church. The gesture has not only a practical value, but also a strong symbolic one, as a sign of communion with the Pope and attention to the needs of one’s brothers and sisters.” (Pope Benedict XVI)

Wednesday 5 July, at 7.00pm: Parish Pastoral Council – if you have any issues that you would like discussed at the PPC, please speak to our PPC Chair, John Dolan, our Secretary, Mary Collier, or to Fr. Domenico. Thank You.

Wednesday 2 August at 7.30pm, at St. Columba’s Culloden: “Oggie! Oggie! Oggie!” – A new modern solo play, based on the Confessions of Saint Augustine. Tickets available to buy in advance, or ‘on the night’; price: £5.00. Running time: one hour, followed by a post-performance Q&A, with tea and biscuits. NB: contains themes unsuitable for persons under 12 years of age.

Help needed! – we are looking for volunteers for the following positions: Readers for the Saturday Vigil Mass; Church Cleaners for Friday mornings. Can you help us?! Please consider offering your time and talents, and speak to Marie Cruickshank or Fr. Domenico.

‘90 Club’: JUNE WINNERS! – First Prize: Rupert Furze; Second Prize: Sheri Ulahannan; Third Prize: Steve Knight. Would you like to join in the fun, and have the chance to win a great cash prize? Please speak to Elaine De Ste Croix for further details.


Bulletin 25th June 2023 (PDF)

TODAY, 25 June: Diocesan Pilgrimage to Pluscarden – Bishop Hugh is extending an invitation to ALL parishioners to attend this annual diocesan event together. There will be opportunities to relax in the grounds of the Abbey; parishioners are encouraged to bring their own picnics; however, refreshments will also be available from 12pm. The focus will be on the ministry of Altar Servers, who will be most welcome to attend, with their albs and cinctures:
1.00pm – Exposition in the Lady Chapel until 2.30pm;
Confessions at St. Benedict’s Retreat until 2.30pm;
3.00pm – Mass of the day, followed by a Marian procession to the garden facing St. Benedict’s Retreat.

Friday 30 June: Adoration and Praise Group at 7.00pm – join us for Adoration and music before the Blessed Sacrament, with readings from Holy Scripture, prayer, and good fellowship in our hall afterwards. All welcome.

Sunday 2 July: Scalan Annual Mass, at 4.00pm – Scalan is the site of a hidden seminary, located in the Braes of Glenlivet, and during the 18th century, more than a hundred ‘Heather Priests’ were trained there. The postcode is AB37 9JS; this will take you to Chapeltown of Glenlivet – please walk, or ask for a lift from others, for the last 1½ miles. All welcome!

24-27 July: Mary’s Meals at ‘Refuel Scotland’ – Mary’s Meals serves nutritious meals to children living in some of the world’s poorest countries. The promise of a good meal attracts these hungry children into the classroom, giving them the energy to learn and hope for a better future. This year, Mary’s Meals will have a stall at Refuel Scotland, a family-friendly Christian festival within the grounds of Gordon Castle Estate, on the banks of the river Spey. We are looking for volunteers to help with looking after the Mary’s Meals hub, selling home-made goods and handing out leaflets. If you are able to give either a morning or afternoon of your time during the event (24-27 July), we would be very grateful. To register your interest, or simply to find out more, please e-mail, or call Sally on 07763 99437. Thank you.

‘90 Club’: DRAW TODAY, 25 June! Would you like to join in the fun, and have the chance to win a great cash prize? Please speak to Elaine De Ste Croix for further details.


Bulletin 18th June 2023 (PDF)

Next Sunday, 25 June: Diocesan Pilgrimage to Pluscarden – Bishop Hugh is extending an invitation to ALL parishioners to attend this annual diocesan event together. There will be opportunities to relax in the grounds of the Abbey, with a chance to meet people from other parishes. Parishioners are encouraged to bring their own picnics; however, refreshments will also be available from 12pm. The focus will be on the ministry of Altar Servers, who will be most welcome to attend, with their albs and cinctures:
1.00pm – Exposition in the Lady Chapel until 2.30pm
1.00pm – Individual confessions in the parlours at St. Benedict’s Retreat until 2.30pm
3.00pm – Mass of the day, followed by a Marian procession to the garden facing St. Benedict’s Retreat.


Bulletin 11th June 2023 (PDF)

Next Saturday, 17 June: ‘New Dawn in the Church’ at St. Ninian’s, Inverness – a day of Praise and Worship, inspiring talks, youth ministry, testimonies, workshops, healing and more! The day begins at 10.30am with Mass. Take a packed lunch with you. All welcome.


Bulletin 4th June 2023 (PDF)

Today’s Special Collection: Social Communications: World Communications Day was established by Pope Paul VI in 1967 as an annual celebration that encourages us to reflect on the opportunities and challenges that the modern means of social communication afford the Church to communicate the gospel message. The retiring collection today will be for this work.

‘90 Club’: May Winners! – First Prize: Angela Mackaskill; Second Prize: Eileen Sayer; Third Prize: Merina McBride; Fourth Prize: Bruce Lamont. Congratulations to all our winners! Would you like to be a winner too? Speak to Elaine for further details.


Bulletin 28th May 2023 (PDF)

Special Collection: Day of Life 2023

Bus to Pluscarden: there are plans to hire a Nairn Community Minibus, to transport parishioners to the Diocesan Pilgrimage at Pluscarden. If you would like a seat, please speak to Bridie or Fr. Domenico.

‘90 Club’: DRAW TODAY, Sunday, 28 May! Would you like to take part in this parish fundraiser? Speak to Elaine for further details.


Bulletin 21st May 2023 (PDF)

The Adoration and Praise Group –meets on Friday 26 May, at 7.00pm. Adoration and music before the Blessed Sacrament, with readings from Holy Scripture, prayer, and good fellowship in our hall afterwards. All welcome.


Bulletin 14th May 2023 (PDF)

30 May-1 June: Pluscarden Pentecost Lectures – Fr. Abbot and the Community of Pluscarden Abbey are delighted to announce that this year’s Pentecost Lectures will be held at the abbey, in St Scholastica’s Guesthouse, from Tuesday 30 May until Thursday June 1. The speaker will be Fr Richard Price, a retired priest in the Archdiocese of Westminster and a former lecturer at Heythrop College. His overall theme will be “Living the Faith in the World of Today”. All welcome. See poster on noticeboard for details.

Saturday 17 June: ‘New Dawn in the Church’ at St. Ninian’s, Inverness – a day of Praise and Worship, inspiring talks, youth ministry, testimonies, workshops, healing and more! The day begins at 10.30am with Mass. Take a packed lunch with you. All welcome.

Sunday 26 June: Diocesan Pilgrimage to Pluscarden – Bishop Hugh is extending an invitation to ALL parishioners to attend this annual diocesan event together. There will be opportunities to relax in the grounds of the Abbey, with a chance to meet people from other parishes. Parishioners are encouraged to bring their own picnics; however, refreshments will also be available from 12pm. The focus will be on the ministry of Altar Servers, who will be most welcome to attend, with their albs and cinctures:
1.00pm – Exposition in the Lady Chapel until 2.30pm
1.00pm – Individual confessions in the parlours at St. Benedict’s Retreat until 2.30pm
3.00pm – Mass of the day, followed by a Marian procession to the garden facing St. Benedict’s Retreat.

First Holy Communion / Confirmation: if your child is of the appropriate age to receive these Sacraments (ideally, P3 for FHC; P7 for Confirmation), please do speak to Fr. Domenico as soon as possible. Classes will be commencing very soon. Bishop Hugh will be coming to Nairn to confer the Sacrament of Confirmation on Saturday evening, 20 April 2024.

‘90 Club’: Next Draw on Sunday 28 May! Would you like to take part in this parish fundraiser? Speak to Elaine for further details.

Heating: the heating in the church has now been switched off. The anticipated Summer temperatures, plus the natural warmth that exudes from your own dear hearts, will be more than adequate!


Bulletin 7th May 2023 (PDF)

‘90 Club’: April Winners! – First Prize: Catherine Delaney; Second Prize: Steve Knight; Third Prize: Irene Forsyth. Would you like to be a winner too, and help to support the parish with this important fundraiser? Please speak to Elaine for further details.

A Message from the members of the parish St. Vincent de Paul group – It is with regret that our ongoing commitment to the Nairn SSVP may have to discontinue, due to the lack of current membership. For many years we have been dedicated to assisting disadvantaged individuals in need, irrespective of ideology, faith, ethnicity, age or gender. Thank you for all your support in the past, and your ongoing prayers for the future. St Mary’s SSVP Nairn.


Bulletin 30th April 2023 (PDF)

TODAY’S SECOND COLLECTION: Today is World Day of Prayer for Vocations, and our Second Collection is for our Diocesan Seminarians’ Bursary Fund. Please pray that young men and women hear and respond generously to the Lord’s call to the priesthood, diaconate, religious life, societies of apostolic life or secular institutes, particularly within our own Diocese. We remember our seminarians: Aidan, Anh, and René.

‘90 CLUB’: DRAW TODAY! – Good luck to all our members!! Would you like to be a winner too, and help to support the parish with this important fundraiser? It only costs £30 for the entire year. Please speak to Elaine for further details.

Friday 12 May at 12 noon: Mass of Profession for Secular Franciscans at St. Columba’s Culloden – The Franciscan Fraternity of San Damiano invites you to this special event, which will take place at St.Columba’s. The main celebrant will be Fr. Domenico. There will be a buffet lunch after the Mass to which all are invited. Please consider coming along to find out more about the Secular Franciscans. The Order has regular meetings at St Columba’s, and has had a presence in Inverness since 1994. If you would like more information, please go to:

Saturday 13 May at 12 noon: Pilgrimage Mass at Scalan Seminary – this forms part of the ‘Lantern of the North’ pilgrimage series through Moray. The Homilist will be Fr. Domenico. The day will begin with a short talk on the history of each location, followed by Mass, then a picnic lunch. Scalan is the site of a hidden seminary, located in the Braes of Glenlivet, and during the 18th century, more than a hundred ‘Heather Priests’ were trained there. For those with sat navs, the postcode is AB37 9JS; this will take you to Chapeltown of Glenlivet – please walk, or ask for a lift from others, for the last 1½ miles. All welcome!


Bulletin 23rd April 2023 (PDF)


Bulletin 16th April 2023 (PDF)

THANK YOU!’ to all of you who made our Holy Week Triduum and Easter Sunday Mass so beautiful! A lot of hard work went into it, and it showed. Fr. Domenico would particularly like to thank Fr. John for his kindness in attending to the Holy Week liturgies.

‘Light of the North’ – the Easter edition is available online. You’ll find lots of news in the magazine from around the Diocese, including Dr Shelagh Noden’s article about St Mary’s Cathedral organist, Ronald Leith, who celebrates his 50th year at the keyboards. Then there’s Eileen Grant’s article about St John, ‘the beloved disciple’, and Fr John Bowles, Regional Director of the Columban Missionaries in Britain, gives an insight into the life of the Orcadian writer George Mackay Brown (1921-96), regarded by many as Scotland’s greatest writer of the twentieth century. Also, for our Polish readers, Lidia Konar reveals why the Blessed Virgin Mary has always been perceived by Poles as their special intercessor and the Queen of Polish hearts:

‘LANTERN OF THE NORTH’ – A historic Post-Reformation pilgrimage through Moray. Masses will take place as follows:
Saturday 22 April at 12 noon: St. Ninian’s, Tynet;
Saturday 13 May at 12 noon: Scalan Seminary (Homilist: Fr. Domenico);
Saturday 27 May at 12 noon: St. Gregory’s, Preshome.
All of the days will begin with a short talk on the history of each location, followed by Mass, then a picnic lunch. All welcome!

The Adoration and Praise Group –meets FRIDAY, 28 APRIL, at 7.00pm. Adoration and music before the Blessed Sacrament, with readings from Holy Scripture, prayer, and good fellowship in our hall afterwards. All welcome.

‘90 Club’: APRIL DRAW ON SUNDAY, 30 APRIL – Good luck to all our members!! Would you like to be a winner too, and help to support the parish with this important fundraiser? It only costs £30 for the entire year. Please speak to Elaine for further details.


Bulletin 2nd April 2023 (PDF)

Today: Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion – there will be a simple Entrance from the back of the church on Saturday evening; the Sunday morning Mass will begin with a procession from the Church Hall, round to the front entrance of the Church and up the aisle. Everyone who is able to do so should consider joining in, as we ‘enter into the city of Jerusalem’.

Today’s Special Collection: The Holy Places – Every day, young Christian families in the Holy Land try to live upright lives, centred on the teachings of Jesus, just as we do. These Christians, living where Christ walked and taught, lived and died, still live in a land of war, death and destruction. The work of the Franciscan Friars for these native Christians, for the poor, and for the pilgrims who come to visit, depends greatly on your support. Please support the people of the Holy Land, and to the Friars who preserve the Shrines.

Holy Triduum at St. Mary’s: there will be a full Triduum this year at St. Mary’s. Please note the change of time of the Maundy Thursday liturgy (7.00pm, not 6.00pm), and the addition of the Stations of the Cross on the morning of Good Friday (10.00am).

Readers & Altar Servers for Holy Week: the various readings at the liturgies have been assigned; Fr. Domenico will be sending out an e-mail over the next day or two to those who have offered to read, complete with a detailed schedule. Could Altar Servers please inform our Sacristans or Fr. Domenico of their availability for ministry during Holy Week?

Sacrament of Confession: this is available on Wednesday this week, from 9.00am-9.30am, and at any other mutually convenient time. Simply contact Fr. Domenico (or Fr. John & Fr. Cameron) to make an appointment.

St. Mary’s 90 Club: The next Draw will take place on Sunday 30 April! Would you like to take part in this parish fundraiser? There are monthly prizes, with a special bonus prize at Christmas! You too could be a winner! See Elaine or Fr. Domenico for further details!


Bulletin 26th March 2023 (PDF)

TODAY’S SECOND COLLECTION: this is to assist us in purchasing flowers for Easter Sunday and the Eastertide season.

THE FINAL LENTEN STATION MASS will be at St. Columba’s Culloden, at 7.00pm. All welcome!

TODAY, 26 March: Mary’s Meals ‘Brunch’ – this will take place in the hall after Mass. Come and join us for bacon & sausage rolls and a cuppa, and help support this great charity!

St. Mary’s 90 Club: DRAW TODAY, Sunday 26 March! Would you like to take part in this parish fundraiser? There are monthly prizes, with a special bonus prize at Christmas! You too could be a winner! Please see Elaine or Fr. Domenico for further details!

ADORATION AND PRAISE GROUP – the next evening will take place on Friday 31 March, at 7.00pm in the church. All welcome.

NEXT SATURDAY, 1 April: Lenten Day of Recollection: “Thirsting for Our Saviour: Journeying with Jesus through Holy Week” – a Day of Recollection on Saturday 1 April, from 11.00am until 3.30pm. The day will include: two talks, quiet time for reflection, devotions, a ‘pot-luck lunch’ (bring along something to share!), Adoration, Confession, & more!


Bulletin 19th March 2023 (PDF)

TODAY’S SECOND COLLECTION: SCIAF SUNDAY – our Second Collection today is for the work of the Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund (SCIAF). On this SCIAF Sunday, we pray for all Mothers around the world – that they may realise how special they are to us, their children. We especially give thanks for Mothers in Malawi who, despite living in poverty, are providing their children with the love and support they need to survive.

LENTEN STATION MASSES (@ 7pm): 24 March at St. Ninian’s, Inverness (*Bishop Hugh*); 31 March: St. Columba’s, Culloden.

NEXT SUNDAY, 26 March: Mary’s Meals ‘Brunch’ – this will take place in the hall after Mass. Come and join us for bacon & sausage rolls and a cuppa, and help support this great charity!

St. Mary’s 90 Club: DRAW NEXT WEEK, Sunday 26 March! Would you like to take part in this parish fundraiser? It only costs £30 for a whole year. There are monthly prizes, with a special bonus prize at Christmas! You too could be a winner! Please see Elaine or Fr. Domenico for further details!

Communion Dresses: any unwanted dresses can be donated to the Parish, where they will be gratefully received! Thank you!


Bulletin 12th March 2023 (PDF)

Next Sunday, 19 March: Mothers’ Day: don’t forget the special Mum in your life!

St. Mary’s 90 Club: Next Draw will take place on Sunday 26 March! Would you like to take part in this parish
fundraiser? It only costs £30 for a whole year. There are monthly prizes, with a special bonus prize at Christmas! You too could be a winner! Please see Elaine or Fr. Domenico for further details!

Lenten Station Masses in the Highland Deanery – Masses will take place each Friday in Lent at 7.00pm, at the following locations: 17 March: St. Anne’s, Thurso; 24 March: St. Ninian’s, Inverness (with Bishop Hugh); 31 March (St. Columba’s, Culloden).


Bulletin 5th March 2023 (PDF)

St. Mary’s 90 Club: Next Draw will take place on Sunday 26 March! Would you like to take part in this parish
fundraiser? It only costs £30 for a whole year. There are monthly prizes, with a special bonus prize at Christmas! You too could be a winner! Please see Elaine or Fr. Domenico for further details!

Saturday 11 March: Annual Diocesan Mass of St. John Ogilvie, in his home town of Keith – everyone is invited to this special Mass, beginning at 12 noon, at St. Thomas’ church in Keith. The Mass will be presided by Bishop Hugh Gilbert, and the preacher will be Fr. James Bell, of St. Mary’s Inverness. There will be refreshments in the parish hall afterwards. Everyone is welcome.


Bulletin 26th February 2023 (PDF)

Congratulations to our inaugural 90 Club winners! – First Prize (£25): Blair Cruickshank; Second Prize (£15): Annemarie Mackenzie; Third Prize (£10): Mags Smith. Well done to our winners! Would you like to join hem? Only £30/year; please speak to Elaine for details!

Tuesday 28 February at 7.00pm: Lenten Flower-Arranging Presentation in our Parish Hall! – Ann Wilson will show us how to put together a simple pedestal arrangement. This event is for everyone; please come along and support it!

Friday 3 March: World Day of Prayer Service at URC – 10.00am: Refreshments; 10.30am: Service. Service at Whinnieknowe Home, Mill Road at 2.00pm.


Bulletin 19th February 2023 (PDF)

90 CLUB: INAUGURAL DRAW TODAY! – this will take place after Mass, in the hall, at approx. 12.45pm! Good luck to all who have a number(s)!! Would you like to join them?! There are still numbers available!

ASH WEDNESDAY, 22 FEBRUARY: Ash Wednesday is the start of Lent, and is a day of fasting and abstinence. This is a season of prayer, penance, and almsgiving, where we take stock of our relationship with the Lord and with one another. What will YOU do?

The Lent edition of the Walk with Me reflection booklets, both for adults and children, are available at the back of the church, priced £1.00 each. There is also a Lent calendar for children, at 50p.

Lenten Station Masses in the Highland Deanery – Masses will take place each Friday in Lent at 7.00pm, at the following locations: 24 February (St. Mary’s, Beauly); 3 March (St. Mary’s, Inverness); 10 March (St. Aidan’s, Aviemore); 17 March (St. Anne’s, Thurso); 24 March (St. Ninian’s, Inverness); 31 March (St. Columba’s, Culloden).

Saturday 1 April: Lenten Day of Recollection: “Thirsting for Our Saviour: Journeying with Jesus through Holy Week” – a Day of Recollection on Saturday 1 April, from 11.00am until 3.30pm. The day will include: two talks, quiet time for reflection, devotions, a ‘pot-luck lunch’ (bring along something to share!), Adoration, Confession, & more!

Friday 24 February, at 7.00pm: The Adoration and Prayer Group returns. Adoration and music before the Blessed Sacrament, Scripture reading and prayer, and good fellowship in our hall afterwards. Everyone is welcome!


Bulletin 12th February 2023 (PDF)

Today’s Second Collection – this annual mandatory collection is for the work of the Scottish Catholic Education Service (SCES).

‘90 Club’ at St. Mary’s: DRAW NEXT SUNDAY, 19 FEBRUARY – we now have some 55 members signed up! Would you like to join them?! Our parish rep will be standing at the back of the church, at the conclusion of Mass, to assist you!

Flower-Arranging Presentation at St. Mary’s! – On Tuesday 28 February at 7.00pm in our Hall, Ann Wilson will show us how to put together a simple pedestal arrangement. This event is for all interested gentlemen and ladies; please come along and support it!

Lenten Day of Recollection: “Thirsting for Our Saviour: Journeying with Jesus through Holy Week” – Fr. Domenico is proposing a Day of Recollection on Saturday 1 April, from 11.00am until 3.30pm. The day will include two talks, quiet time for reflection, Angelus, Rosary, a ‘pot-luck lunch’ (bring along something to share with others!), a penitential service with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, opportunities for Confession, and the Divine Mercy Chaplet – if there is enough interest!


Bulletin 5th February 2023 (PDF)

Today’s Collection is ringfenced for our Parish Development Fund. Thank you, as always, for your support.

‘90 Club’ at St. Mary’s – we have almost 25 members signed up, at a cost of £30/year, to our 90 club. Would you like to join them?! Our parish rep will be standing at the back of the church, at the conclusion of Mass, to assist you! Please have £30 ready in an envelope, with your name and contact details written on the front; this will greatly assist us. Please do support this fundraiser for the parish, and why not ask your family and friends if they would like to join in?! The more members, the larger the prizes! Our first draw will take
place in two weeks, on Sunday 19 February, in our hall; good luck to all who have a number!!

Friday 17 February at 7pm: Inter-Church Quiz Night at the URC church – why not come and join in the fun? Teams of four contestants are invited to participate (£10 per team). Everyone welcome. For further information, please speak to Catherine Delaney.

Parish Necrology: if you know of any parishioners who have passed away, please provide Fr. Domenico with their details.

Lenten Station Masses in the Highland Deanery – Masses will take place each Friday in Lent at 7.00pm, at the following locations:
24 February St. Mary’s, Beauly
3 March St. Mary’s, Inverness
10 March St. Aidan’s, Aviemore
17 March St. Anne’s, Thurso
24 March St. Ninian’s, Inverness
31 March St. Columba’s, Culloden


Bulletin 29th January 2023 (PDF)

Mary’s Meals: ‘Thank You!’ – last week’s Second Collection for Mary’s Meals took in £ 498.62! Thanks to the ‘Double the Love’ campaign, this will make a grand contribution of £ 997.24!! Thank you so much for your generosity and support!

‘90 Club’ at St. Mary’s – thanks to your enthusiasm, we are now ready to proceed! Elaine De Ste Croix has very kindly agreed to run this for the parish. She will be at the back of the church this Sunday, and for the following two Sundays. We will have our First 90 Club Prize draw on Sunday 19 February. Please do support this fundraiser for the parish. It only costs £30 for the entire year. Please have the total amount ready in an envelope for Elaine, with your contact details, and you can choose your favourite number(s)! Good luck!!

Servant Leadership Course – a course for lay people, in partnership with the Margaret Beaufort Institute of Theology in Cambridge ( The Institute provides courses and training for parishes and other institutions. Those who do their courses can eventually earn a qualification from the University of Cambridge or Anglia Ruskin University if they so choose. There are 6 to 7 sessions over the course of the year, at a cost of £60 per session. All teaching is conducted online. Further information can also
be obtained from Eric Hanna at

L’Arche Highland is seeking a full-time House Leader for Rosie Lovat House, Inverness. Pay: £27,336 – £28,431 a year. An SVQ Level 2 in Social Care is required as well as experience of supporting people with learning disabilities and some leadership experience. L’Arche is a place where you can bring your faith to work! For further details please contact Shirley Bannister, HR Lead via or 01463 239615.”

Bulletin 22nd January 2023 (PDF)

Bishops Conference of Scotland: Commission for Marriage, Family and Life. Provision for Marriage Counselling in Scotland – In order to help provide married couples in difficulty, we are aiming to recruit a national network of counsellors who can assist those who seek help. At this stage we are appealing to those who are already qualified as counsellors and who would be interested in completing some further training to work in this area. If this is something that you believe you could use your skills for, please get in touch on 07706 063936, to have an initial chat.

‘90 Club’ at St. Mary’s – almost 30 parishioners expressed their interest in the idea of a ’90 Club’ being established in the parish. Now.. all we need is someone who would be willing to take on the relatively easy task of organising it! This involves keeping a record of the numbers, together with names and contact details of members, and their payment, and also drawing three of the numbers on the last Sunday of each month. This is not an onerous task! If anyone would like to consider the role, please speak to Fr. Domenico.

Friday 27 January, at 7.00pm: The Adoration and Prayer Group is returning, after the December break. We meet to worship God before the Blessed Sacrament on the last Friday evening of each month. This is not a traditional Adoration night; it includes semimodern reflective worship music and readings. We continue our worship of the Word afterwards, by gathering in the Church Hall to discuss a portion of Holy Scripture, and then we pray for each other, our parish, and the town of Nairn. Everyone is welcome!


Bulletin 15th January 2023 (PDF)

Today’s Second Collection is for Mary’s Meals a short presentation will be given at the end of our Sunday Mass by Peter Harkins, the Regional Representative for the charity. Please note that every £1 donated before 31 January will be doubled, as part of the ‘Double the Love’ campaign. This means that even more hungry children can be given a nutritious school meal, as well as an education – including those affected by natural disasters, disease, and conflict. Thank you.

Parish Pastoral Council – anyone who would like to be considered for a position on the Parish Pastoral Council should put their name forward to Fr. Domenico, or to Phil and Annmarie, by Monday 30 January at the latest.

‘90 Club’ at St. Mary’s – it has been proposed that a ‘90 Club’ be established here at St. Mary’s, similar to the one in operation in our sister parish of St. Columba’s. An annual payment of £30 is made, and a number (or numbers) is chosen by the participant. At the end of each month, three numbers are drawn from the ‘lucky bag’, to win cash prizes. The 90 Club is first and foremost a fundraiser, and it can generate a good income for a parish. Is this something in which you would be interested in participating? Can you please speak to/e-mail Fr. Domenico, so that he can gauge interest in this proposal? Many thanks!

Flower-Arranging – Emily is putting out a ‘call to arms’ for assistance with flower arranging. No specialist knowledge required; just enthusiasm and a creative mind! Any and all interested parties should speak to Emily Lamont or to Fr. Domenico.


Bulletin 8th January 2023 (PDF)

Today’s Second Collection is for Justice and Peace Scotland. The National Commission for Justice and Peace advises the Scottish Bishops’ Conference of the Catholic Church in matters relating to social justice, international peace and human rights, and promotes action in these areas. For further information, see the website:

Mary’s Meals – next Sunday, there will be a second Collection for Mary’s Meals. Every £1 donated before 31 January will be doubled, as part of the ‘Double the Love’ campaign. This means that even more hungry children can be given a nutritious school meal, as well as an education – including those affected by natural disasters, disease, and conflict. Thank you.

St. Ninian’s CoS Guild Meeting – on Wednesday 18 January, at 2pm in the Church Hall. The Speaker is Mrs Judith McLeod, a trainee Minister with the Church of Scotland. The talk will last 30 minutes, followed by tea. To register your interest, speak to Emily.


Bulletin 1st January 2023 (PDF)

Extra Weekday Masses – our resident Priest, Fr. John Allen, has kindly offered to celebrate Holy Mass in the parish on Tuesday and Thursday, at 10.00am. Why not join him for the Holy Eucharist?

House Blessings – Fr. Domenico is very happy to visit your home and bless it at the beginning of the new year. If you would like to avail yourself of this, please have a word with him.

Have you ever wanted to play ‘Mastermind’ in 2023?! – We have two black leather swivel chairs in the Sacristy, which are looking for a new home / Mastermind Grandmaster (!). They are available for you to uplift any time. No charge.. but any donation  offered to the parish would be gratefully accepted! Please speak to Fr. Domenico.

First Holy Communion June 2023 – Children of P3 age or above are invited to prepare for the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. Please speak to Fr. Domenico ASAP, or email him to request an application form