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Bulletin 19th December 2021

Friday 24th December – The Nativity of the Lord (Midnight Mass) with Carols 11.30pm.

Saturday 25th December – The Nativity of the Lord (Morning Mass) 10.30am.

Sunday 26th December – The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph 10am and 6pm. No Vigil Mass.


Christingle Service of Readings and Carols: Sunday 19th December at 4.30pm.   

Online Service of Readings and Carols: Monday 20th December at 7pm from St. Mary’s Cathedral, Aberdeen. The link is 

Parish Hall: Following Government Guidelines, the Parish Hall will be closed until further notice. The Toilet Facilities will be available


Bulletin 5th December 2021

Wednesday 8th is the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Monday 13thNo Mass.

Christingle Service of Readings and Carols: Sunday 19th December at 4.30pm. Refreshments will be served in the Parish Hall afterwards. Children to meet at 2.30pm in the Upstairs Hall. 

St. Vincent de Paul – Nairn Conference: Please join us as we sing Carols outside our local Care Homes. Please meet at The Manor on Monday 13th December at 2pm and at Hebron House on Friday 17th December at 2pm. 

Mary’s Meals – Double Your Love!: A group of generous donors have agreed to double all donations given to Mary’s Meals until the end of January 2022, up to a total of £1.6 Million. Details @  

Thank You: To all who donated, volunteered, and attended the Parish Coffee Morning. £1063.70 was raised for Church Funds.


Bulletin 28th November 2021

NB: Tuesday is the Feast of St. Andrew, Apostle. Mass at 11am.

Parish Coffee Morning is next Saturday December 4th at 10am. Donations (Hamper Items/Assorted Bottles/Bric-a-Brac) can be left in the Parish Hall after this Weekend’s Masses or Weekday Masses. Bottles for stall Needed. Raffle Tickets now on Sale.

Highland Foodbank: Please bring Donations for Christmas to Parish Hall Next Weekend (Saturday Evening or Sunday Morning). We will resume normal collections in January.

“The Christmas Story” – A Four-Week Study Course (Via Zoom): This begins this Wednesday. Please Email Fr. Domenico for link


Bulletin 21st November 2021 

SVP Nairn Conference Meeting: This Wednesday at 7pm in the Parish Hall. New members welcome.

Day of Prayer and Reflection – Companions of St. Mary of the Cross: Saturday 27th November 10am-2pm. Mass as usual at 11am with a Light Lunch at 12. All Welcome.

Parish Coffee Morning on Saturday December 4th at 10am.  Donations (Hamper Items/Assorted Bottles/Brick-a-Brac) can be left in the Parish Hall after Weekend Masses. Raffle Tickets now on Sale.


Bulletin 14th November 2021 

Funeral Arrangements Mary Wilson RIP: Due to numbers only those Mourners who are invited should attend the Requiem Mass at 11.30am on Friday. The family of Mary would welcome Parishioners to attend the Vigil for the Deceased at 6pm on Thursday. 

Parish Council: There is a meeting at 7.30pm on Tuesday


Bulletin 7th November 2021 

NB: Next Sunday is Remembrance Sunday. Mass at 10am.

Date for the Diary: Parish Coffee Morning on Saturday December 4th.  Donations (Hamper Items/Assorted Bottles/Bric-a-Brac) can be left in the Parish Hall after Weekend Masses.

2022 Diaries: On Sale for £5.


Bulletin 31st October 2021

NB: Monday is the Feast of All Saints.

        Tuesday is the Commemoration of all The Faithful Departed. Mass at 11am. 

Men’s Fellowship: Meets at Nairn Old Parish Church Hall on Tuesday’s at 2.30pm. Next Dates are 9th November, 23rd November and 7th December. 

Highland Foodbank Reverse Advent Calender: Please collect items throughout November. These will be collected in the Parish Hall on the 4th/5th December.    

Date for the Diary: Parish Coffee Morning on Saturday December 4th.  Please see Posters. Donations can be left in the Parish Hall after Weekend Masses.


Bulletin 24th October 2021

First Holy Communion Preparation: Classes this Wednesday at 6.15pm.

Confirmation Preparation Classes: Please see Fr. Damian if you still wish to register your child.

Sunday Children’ Liturgy: Will resume next Sunday. See Fr. Damian if you can assist.  


Bulletin 17th October 2021

Sunday Children’ Liturgy: Will resume on Sunday 31st October. Please see Fr. Damian if you can assist.      

Parish Beetle Drive: There are still paces for those who wish to come for some fun and refreshments. Every Thursday at 2pm in the Parish Hall. Cost is £3.     

Highland Foodbank: Please support the Reverse Advent Calendar Appeal. Donations to be brought to the Parish Hall on 4th/5th December. 

Date for the Diary: Parish Coffee Morning on Saturday December 4th.  Please see Posters.   

Christmas Cards and 2022 Diaries: On Sale for £5.


Bulletin 10th October 2021 

First Holy Communion Preparation: Classes resume on Wednesday 27th October.

Parish Beetle Drive: There are still paces for those who wish to come for some fun and refreshments. Every Thursday at 2pm in the Parish Hall.      

Pilgrimage Opportunities 2022 – The Holy Land, Austria and Oberammergau (Passion Play): Please collect a leaflet if you are interested.

Next Special Collection – Mission Sunday on 24th October


Bulletin 3rd October 2021 

October Month of the Holy Rosary: The Rosary will be prayed half an hour before every Weekday Mass. 

First Holy Communion Preparation: Meets this Wednesday at 6.15pm in the Upper Hall. The Class. The Class will then break until Wednesday 27th October.   

Confirmation Preparation Classes: Will begin after the October Holidays. Please see Fr. Damian to register your child. 

Sunday Children’ Liturgy: Will resume on Sunday 31st October. Please see Fr. Damian if you can assist.      

Parish Beetle Drive: There will be a meeting this Monday at 4pm, to review the first month.    

SVP Special Collection – £313.45. St. Mary’s – Nairn Conference thanks the Parishioners for their generosity.


Bulletin 26th September 2021 

NB: Next Saturday – Sacrament of Reconciliation at 9am. Mass at 10am.   

National Safeguarding Webinar – Growing our Culture of Care: All Members of the PVG Scheme, as registered by the Parish, should kindly register for this next Saturday at 11am. Please see Fr. Damian if you do not have the information.  

First Holy Communion Preparation: Begins this Wednesday at 6.15pm in the Upper Hall. 

Sunday Children’s Liturgy: Will begin after the October Holidays.   

Parish Beetle Drive: Every Thursday at 2pm. Light Refreshments and Raffle included in £3 cost. Spaces still available. There will be a meeting at 2pm on Wednesday 4th October at 2pm, to review the first month.    


Bulletin 19th September 2021 

NB: Tuesday is the Feast of St. Matthew

Dates for your Diaries:

Tuesday 21st September 7.30pm – Parish Council.

Sunday 26th September – Renewal of St. Vincent de Paul Conference Promises and Special Collection.   

Sunday Children’s Liturgy: Will begin after the October Holidays.   

Parish Beetle Drive: Every Thursday at 2pm. Light Refreshments and Raffle included in £3 cost. Spaces still available.


Bulletin 12th September 2021 

NB: Tuesday is the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. Mass will be at 11am.

Wednesday 15th September 4.30pm – Meeting of Parents/Guardians for First Holy Communion Classes.

Sunday Children’s Liturgy: Will begin after the October Holidays.   

Parish Beetle Drive: Every Thursday at 2pm. Light Refreshments and Raffle included in £3 cost.  Spaces still available.


Bulletin 5th September 2021 

NB: This Wednesday which is the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary there is no Holy Hour and Mass will be at 11am.

Dates for your Diaries:

Sunday 5th September 2.30pm – Beach Clean-Up for Climate Sunday. (Meet at Park Dean Reception Building).

Tuesday 21st September 7.30pm – Parish Council.

Sunday 26th September – Renewal of St. Vincent de Paul Conference Promises and Special Collection.   

Climate Sunday: As well as joining for the Parish Event this Sunday please go to the SCIAF Website for much more information in the lead up to COP26, in Glasgow in November, and they invite join to support their petition. 

Sunday Children’s Liturgy and Preparation Classes for Sacraments: If you wish your child to join either of these, please see Fr. Damian asap.  

Parish Beetle Drive: Every Thursday at 2pm. Light Refreshments and Raffle included in £3 cost. 9 spaces still available.     


Bulletin 29th August 2021 

Parish Barbecue: Thanks to all who helped organise and attended. £233 was raised for Parish Funds.    

Dates for your Diaries:

Sunday 29th August 2pm – Blessing of Graves (Nairn Cemetery).

Thursday 2nd September 2pm – First weekly Beetle Drive.

Sunday 5th September 2.30pm – Beach Clean-Up for Climate Sunday. (Meet at Parish Hall).


Bulletin 22nd August 2021 

Dates for your Diaries:

Friday 27th August 7pm – Parish Barbecue (Please put your name on the list after Mass as limited numbers).

Sunday 29th August 2pm – Blessing of Graves (Nairn Cemetery).

Thursday 2nd September 2pm – First weekly Beetle Drive.

Sunday 5th September 2.30pm – Beach Clean-Up for Climate Sunday.

Tuesday 21st September 7.30pm – Parish Council.

Sunday 26th September – Renewal of St. Vincent de Paul Conference Promises and Special Collection.


Bulletin 15th August 2021 

Preparation for First Holy Communion and Confirmation 2022: Parents/Guardians should attend a meeting with their children after the 10.30am Mass next week in the Upper Hall.

Friday 27th August 7pm – Parish Barbecue (Please put your name on the list after Mass as limited numbers).

Run the Runway for Maggies (Highlands): If you wish to sponsor Fr. Damian for this 5km run please go to the link on the Parish Facebook page or see Fr. Damian.


Bulletin 8th August 2021 

Meeting for Volunteers: If you are willing to volunteer to help out with a weekly Beetle Drive on Thursday afternoons at 2pm, from September, or to organise the Parish Barbecue on Friday 27th August at 7pm, please attend a meeting in the Parish Hall at 2.30pm on Wednesday.


Dates for your Diaries:

Wednesday 11th August 2.30pm – Volunteers Meeting.

Friday 27th August 7pm – Parish Barbecue.

Sunday 29th August 2pm – Blessing of Graves (Nairn Cemetery).

Thursday 2nd September 2pm – First weekly Beetle Drive.

Sunday 5th September 2.30pm – Beach Clean-Up for Climate Sunday.

Tuesday 21st September 7.30pm – Parish Council.

Sunday 26th September – Renewal of St. Vincent de Paul Conference Promises and Special Collection.     


Bulletin 1st August 2021 

NB: No Mass this Monday.

Friday is the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord.

Sale of Donated Cards: £136 was raised for Parish Funds.  Thanks for your continued generosity.

NB: This Sunday is Development Sunday, part of our initiative to raise funds to pay for the ceiling repairs to the Hall and for planned roof repairs.


Bulletin 25th July 2021 

Members of the PVG Scheme: Please collect a leaflet from Fr. Damian. 

Parish Hall: Is now open for Tea/Coffee after Sunday and Weekday Masses.  We can sit in groups from up to three households. Please wait to be served at your table.  You are also welcome to sit outside in our Marquee.  The new Rota is up for volunteers, if you can please add your name. 

Blessing of Renovated St. Mary MacKillop Hall: Thank you for all those who helped plan and assisted at this joyful event.    

NB: Next Sunday is Development Sunday, part of our initiative to raise funds to pay for the ceiling repairs to the Hall and for planned roof repairs.   

Wishing Grandparents and the Elderly a Blessed Day!


Bulletin 18th July 2021 

Blessing of Renovated St. Mary MacKillop Hall: Bishop Hugh will bless the Hall on Wednesday at 7pm. There will be a Social afterwards.  Numbers including invited guests limited to 40.   

 Apostleship of the Sea: £200.95 was contributed to last weeks Collection.  Thank you for your generosity.   


Bulletin 11th July 2021 

NB: No Masses this Friday or Saturday Morning.     

Blessing of Renovated St. Mary MacKillop Hall: Bishop Hugh will bless the Hall on Wednesday 21st July at 7pm.  There will be a Social afterwards.  Numbers including invited guests limited to 40.    

Sale of Assorted Cards: Available outside after Mass for Donation. 

Apostleship of the Sea: There is a Second Collection this week, as you leave the Church.  Please give generously.   

Parish Collection: 
3rd/4th July – £781.  (Average Weekly Running Costs are £500).

Our first Monthly Development Sunday realised an increased Collection of £240.

Thank you for your continued generosity.


Bulletin 4th July 2021 

NB: Friday – Feast of Our Lady of Aberdeen.    

Development Sunday – From this week, the First Sunday of the Month, the Collection will be designated for Parish Development.  This is part of our Parish initiative to raise £10,000 by December 31st 2022, to cover the costs of the repairs to the Hall ceiling and the Church roof.  Please give generously, as we plan for our fundraising.

 Second Collection: 11th July – Apostleship of the Sea. 

Sale of Assorted Cards: Available outside after Mass for Donation.


Bulletin 27th June 2021 

NB: Tuesday – Solemnity of the Ss Peter and Paul, Apostles

Development Sunday: From next week, the First Sunday of the Month, the Collection will be designated for Parish Development.  Please give generously.    

Sale of Assorted Cards: Available for Donation.


Bulletin 20th June 2021 

NB: Thursday – Solemnity of the Nativity of John the Baptist.  


Bulletin 13th June 2021 

Monday 10am – First Anniversary Mass for George Lavery RIP

Parish Council: John Dolan has kindly accepted to be the Chairperson and Elaine MacDonald the Vice Chairperson until new elections next year.  Steve Knight and Moyra Wilson are new Co-opted Members.  

Parish Hall: Is now open for Tea/Coffee after Sunday and  Weekday Masses.  We can sit in groups from up to three households.  Please wait to be served at your table.  The new Rota is up but please, if you can volunteer please add your name.  

Flower Arranging: We thank Emily Lamont and Gigi Lucas for the beautiful arrangements for our First Holy Communions.  They are seeking more volunteers to assist.  Please see one of them or contact Fr. Damian.


Bulletin 6th June 2021 

Monday 10am Mass under the Ordinariate Rite. 

First Anniversary Mass – George Lavery RIP: This will be on Monday 14th June at 10am.  Tea and Coffee will be served in the Hall after Mass.

Parish Hall: Is now open for Tea/Coffee after Weekday Masses.  We plan to start on Sunday’s from June 13th.   Please give your name to Fr. Damian if you wish to be a helper.   We can sit in groups from up to three households.  Please wait to be served at your table. Contributions Welcome.  The Toilet facilities will open during every Mass.


Bulletin 30th May 2021 

Monday is the Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  Rosary – 9.30am. Mass – 10am.

A Rosary Rally will take place this Sunday, across the United Kingdom and Ireland.  In the Diocese of Aberdeen, we are requested to pray the Rosary between 2pm and 3pm.

Parish Council: Meeting on Tuesday at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall. 

St. Vincent de Paul (Nairn Conference): New Members are welcome to the Meeting on Wednesday 9th June at 7pm in the Parish Hall.

First Holy Communion: This will take place on Sunday 6th June at 10.30am.  As all the pews will be filled by family and friends, with a few seats reserved for our more senior parishioners, there will be an extra Evening Mass at 6pm.   

Parish Hall: Is now open for Tea/Coffee after Weekday Masses.  We plan to start on Sunday’s from June 13th.  Please give your name to Fr. Damian if you wish to be a helper.  We can sit in groups from up to three households.  Please wait to be served at your table.  Contributions Welcome.  The Toilet facilities will open during every Mass.

Piety Stall: Please continue to support this.  We have a selection of First Holy Communion and Confirmation Cards and Gifts and also a Book of Prayers and Devotions, to mark the Year of St. Joseph.   You can also support St. Patrick’s Missionary Society by enrolling loved ones for perpetual prayer.


Bulletin 23rd May 2021 

NB: Monday is the Memorial of Mary, Mother of the Church. Rosary – 9.30am. Mass – 10am

Rosary: Throughout this Marian Month of May the Rosary will be prayed half an hour before each Weekday Mass (Tuesday Evening – Saturday Morning).  Our Intention will be for an end to the Coronavirus Global Pandemic.

NB: A Rosary Rally will take place on Sunday 30th May, across the United Kingdom and Ireland.  In the Diocese of Aberdeen, we are requested to pray the Rosary between 2pm and 3pm.

First Holy Communion: This will take place on Sunday 6th June at 10.30am.  As all the pews will be filled by family and friends, with a few seats reserved for our more senior parishioners, there will be an extra Evening Mass at 6pm.    

Parish Hall: Is now open for Tea/Coffee after Weekday Masses. We hope to open on Sunday’s later in the year. You can sit in groups from up to three households. Please wait to be served at your table. Contributions Welcome. The Toilet facilities will open during every Mass.


Bulletin 16th May 2021 

Rosary: Throughout this Marian Month of May the Rosary will be prayed half an hour before each Weekday Mass (Tuesday Evening – Saturday Morning).  Our Intention will be for an end to the Coronavirus Global Pandemic.

Laudato Si Week: 16th-25th May. We will celebrate a Mass of  Creation at 11am next Saturday finishing with a Blessing of the Children’s Prayer Garden. Please go to the Website of Global Catholic Climate Movement for information and events and to sign the Laudato Si Pledge. 

Parish Hall: Is now open for Tea/Coffee after Weekday Masses. We hope to open on Sunday’s later in the year. You can sit in groups of four from up to two households. Please wait to be served at your table. Contributions Welcome. The Toilet facilities will open during every Mass


Bulletin 9th May 2021 

NB: Thursday is the Solemnity of the Ascension.  Masses at 10am and 7pm.

Piety Stall: Please continue to support this.  We have a selection of First Holy Communion and Confirmation Cards and Gifts.  You can also support St. Patrick’s Missionary Society by enrolling loved ones for perpetual prayer.


Bulletin 2nd May 2021 

NB: On Monday there will be a 10am Mass under the Ordinariate Rite.

Rosary – Throughout this Marian Month of May the Rosary will be prayed half an hour before each Weekday Mass (Tuesday Evening – Saturday Morning).  Our Intention will be for an end to the Coronavirus Global Pandemic.

Parish Hall – Is now open for Tea/Coffee after Weekday Masses.  We hope to open on Sunday’s later in the year.  You can sit in groups of four from up to two households.  Please wait to be served at your table. Contributions Welcome.  The Toilet facilities will open during every Mass.


Bulletin 25th April 2021 

From this Saturday the Rosary will be prayed half an hour before each Weekday Mass (Tuesday Evening – Saturday Morning) throughout the month of May.   

Piety Stall: Please continue to support this by purchasing cards and gifts. You can also support St. Patrick’s Missionary Society by enrolling loved ones for perpetual prayer.


Bulletin 18th April 2021 

Thanks: Fr. Damian gives thanks to all those who sent cards and messages and have offered Masses for his late mother, Christina. It is much appreciated by him and his siblings.   


Bulletin 11th April 2021 

NB: There will be a Mass on Monday at 11am

Parish Hall: Closed until further notice. The renovation on the St. Mary MacKillop Hall is completed.  The final total for the Christmas Appeal to complete the project came to £6,458. Thank you for all the contributions.


Bulletin 4th April 2021 

NB: There will be a Mass on Monday at 10am, under the Ordinariate Rite.

2021 First Holy Communion Class: Zoom classes will resume after the holidays. The date for First Holy Communion will be on Sunday 6th June.     

Parish Hall: Closed until further notice. The renovation on the St. Mary MacKillop Hall is completed.

SCIAF Lenten Campaign: Please send them your contributions directly by post or donate through the website. 

Happy Easter 


Holy Week and Easter Tridium Announcements 


Monday of Holy Week: Mass – 10am.

Tuesday of Holy Week: Rosary – 9.30am. Mass – 10am.

Wednesday of Holy Week: Holy Hour (inc. Divine Mercy Chaplet) – 9am.   Mass – 10am.

Holy Thursday: Mass of The Lord’s Supper – 7pm.

Good Friday: Stations of the Cross – 12 O’Clock. The Passion of The Lord – 3pm.

Saturday Evening: Easter Vigil in the Holy Night – 8pm.

Sunday Morning: Easter Sunday Mass of the Resurrection of the Lord – 10.30am.

NB: Those parishioners who usually come to the Saturday Evening Vigil Mass are invited to attend the The Mass of The Lord’s Supper on Thursday Evening, The Stations of the Cross on Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil. Those parishioners who usually come to the Sunday Morning Mass, are invited to attend The Passion of the Lord on Good Friday and Mass on Easter Sunday.

Parish Collection: Thank you to all parishioners who have given in their envelopes and contributed by Direct Debit, whilst we have been closed for public worship. If you have backdated envelopes please put them in the collection baskets.

SCIAF Lenten Campaign: Please post your contributions directly to SCIAF or make your donations online.   

A Blessed Holy Week and Easter Tridium        


Announcement 23/3/21

As from this Friday, March 26th, we are able to gather again for public worship at St. Mary’s. 

The initial programme is:

Friday: 9.30am – Stations of the Cross. 10am – Mass.

Saturday Morning: 10am – Sacrament of Reconciliation. 11am – Mass.

Saturday Evening: 6pm – Vigil Mass.

Sunday Morning: 10.30am – Mass. 

Please come to the usual Saturday Vigil or Sunday Morning Mass that you attend. 

Details for Holy Week and the Easter Tridium will be announced.   


Bulletin 3rd January 2021 

Covid 19 Restrictions – Attendance at Mass is restricted to 20 people.  When you arrive at the Church, please follow the instructions of our Ushers and put on a face mask before you arrive at the door (unless exempt).  Parishioner names are now on a printed list, to be checked off, and referenced as necessary.

2021 First Holy Communion Class – For those who had started preparation last year, but also who will 7 years of age by Sunday, 6th June.  Please contact Fr. Damian.    

Parish Hall – Closed until further notice.

If you are a UK Tax Payer please sign a Gift Aid Form.  See Mr Phil McBride (Parish Treasurer for details).