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Archive – 2022

Please click on the PDF link to see the full Bulletin – new items listed separately.

Bulletin 25th December 2022 (PDF)

Thank you! – Fr. Domenico would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all the kind wishes, Christmas cards, and gifts that he has received. They are much appreciated. He would also like to thank those of you who assist in any way in our parish: without you, our liturgies and events would not be possible! Finally, to all the parishioners of St. Mary’s, in great gratitude for your support, patience, and prayers throughout the past year. As a parish family, we rely on one another, and each of you has your part to play. Thank you! May you and your families be filled with every grace and blessing in this joyous season.

“Christmas reveals to us the immense love that God has for humanity. From this too derives our enthusiasm, our hope as Christians, that in our poverty, we may know that we are loved, that we have been visited, that we are accompanied by God. And we look upon the world and on history as a place in which we walk together with Him and among us toward a new heaven and a new earth.” – Pope Francis


Bulletin 18th December 2022 (PDF)

Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession): Please note the hours for the Sacrament of Confession at our liturgies this week. In addition to these times, Fr. Domenico is happy to meet anyone at a mutually convenient time.

Christmas Flowers – we are blessed with the generosity and talents of parishioners, who always provide us with such beautiful flowers for Christmas. Would you consider helping us with a donation, which will go towards making our church even more beautiful, and fitting for celebrating the birth of Our Saviour?

St. Mary’s Christingle Service: Sunday 18 December at 4.00pm – Children should meet in the church hall at 2.30 pm, to practise readings, make Christingles etc. Coffee and mince pies will be served in the church hall after the Christingle service. Please do come along and support our children!

St. Columba’s Culloden Christmas Carol Concert: Monday 19 December, 7pm – 8pm – After a three-year hiatus, we will be hosting a service of your favourite Christmas carols, with: community singing; seasonal Scripture readings; the children of St. Joseph’s RC Primary School; the St. Andrew Community, with youth musicians; special clerical guests (!); festive food and drink provided  (including non-alcoholic mulled wine, panettone, and mince pies). Donations at the door – suggested offerings are: £5 for adults; kids go free! Why not invite some friends and come along?!!

First Holy Communion June 2023 – Children of P3 age or above are invited to prepare for the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. Please speak to Fr. Domenico, or email him to request an application form.

Christmas Mass Times: Vigil (Sat 24 December): 6.00 pm: Mass of Christmas Day (Sunday 25 December): 11.30 am.


Bulletin 11th December 2022 (PDF)

This weekend: Bambinelli Sunday Each year on Gaudete Sunday, the Third Sunday of Advent, children in Rome bring their Baby Jesus figures from the cribs in their homes to St. Peter’s Square where the Pope blesses both them and the figurines during the Angelus. Fr Domenico would like to introduce this custom to St Mary’s, and he will bless all ‘Bambinelli’ at the Sunday Mass. ‘This beautiful tradition helps to focus children’s minds on the real reason for Christmas: the birth of our Lord Jesus.’

St. Mary’s Christingle Service: Sunday 18 December at 4.00pm – Children should meet in the church hall at 2.30 pm, to practise readings, make Christingles etc. Coffee and mince pies will be served in the church hall after the Christingle service. Readings will be given out and a quick practice will be held on Sunday 11 December after Mass. If your child is willing to do a reading, please contact Maria (0785 566 1941) or Bridget (07732 998 287). We are also looking for younger children to play the parts of Mary, Joseph, shepherds and angels; again, please contact Maria or Bridget if your child would like to get involved.

Sunday 18 December, 6-8pm: Variety Concert at Nairn Old Parish Church – with solo performances from West-End musical Les Miserables; group and Gaelic Choir singing; fiddle and accordion music; organ recital; youth dance group; and extra surprise acts! All performances by local artistes! Tickets: Adults £10, Children £5 – from Pat Fraser or Strachans, or see Bridget (Vigil) or Iain.

St. Columba’s Culloden Christmas Carol Concert: Monday 19 December, 7pm – 8pm – After a three-year hiatus, we will be hosting a service of your favourite Christmas carols, with: community singing; seasonal Scripture readings; the children of St. Joseph’s RC Primary School; the St. Andrew Community, with youth musicians; special clerical guests (!); festive food and drink provided (including non-alcoholic mulled wine, panettone, and mince pies). Donations at the door – suggested offerings are: £5 for adults; kids go free! Why not invite some friends and come along?!! Spread a little festive cheer!

Christmas Mass Times: Vigil (Sat 24 December): 6.00 pm: Mass of Christmas Day (Sunday 25 December): 11.30 am.


Bulletin 4th December 2022 (PDF)

Advent Resources: ‘Walk with me’ booklets, with reflections for every day of Advent, are available at the back of the church. There are also booklets for children, together with Advent calendars. Only £1 each.

Advent Reflections: each Wednesday evening during Advent, the Priests of the Highland Deanery have arranged reflections in different parishes. Here are the dates, locations, and speakers:

Wednesday 07 December (St. Ambrose/Eve of the Immaculate Conception) – St. Mary’s Beauly – Fr. Laurence Gambella
Wednesday 14 December (St. John of the Cross) – St. Mary’s Inverness – Fr. Domenico Zanrè
Wednesday 21 December (St. Peter Canisius) – St. Columba’s Culloden – Fr. James Bell

Each evening will consist of the following programme:
6.15pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, & opportunity for the Sacrament of Confession
7.00pm Reflection, followed by Night Prayer, Benediction and Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament

Christmas Flowers – we are blessed with the generosity and talents of parishioners, who always provide us with such beautiful flowers for Christmas. Would you consider helping us with a donation, which will go towards making our church even more beautiful, and fitting for celebrating the birth of Our Saviour?

St. Mary’s Christmas Fayre: a big ‘Thank You’ to all of you for your support of our successful Christmas Fayre, and a special word of thanks to Marie for her great organisation, and to all those who assisted on the day.

Christingle Service: Sunday 18 December at 4.00pm – more details to follow – watch this space!

Christmas Mass Times: Vigil (Sat 24 December): 6.00 pm: Mass of Christmas Day (Sunday 25 December): 11.30 am.


Bulletin 27th November 2022 (PDF)

Advent Reflections: each Wednesday evening during Advent, there will be reflections in the following parishes:

Wednesday 30 November (St. Andrew) – St. Lawrence, Dingwall – Fr. Andrew Niski / St. Andrew Community
Wednesday 07 December (St. Ambrose/Eve of the Immaculate Conception) – St. Mary’s Beauly – Fr. Laurence Gambella
Wednesday 14 December (St. John of the Cross) – St. Mary’s Inverness – Fr. Domenico Zanrè
Wednesday 21 December (St. Peter Canisius) – St. Columba’s Culloden – Fr. James Bell

Each evening will consist of the following programme:
6.15pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, & opportunity for the Sacrament of Confession
7.00pm Reflection, followed by Night Prayer, Benediction and Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament

St. Mary’s Christmas Fayre: Saturday 3 December – Our parish Christmas Fayre takes place in the British Legion, from 10.00am until 12 noon. Admission: £3 per Adult (including tea, coffee..); £1 per child, which includes a visit to Santa, as well as a little gift from him! If you have anything for our Fayre, can you bring any and all items to the hall as soon as possible, and leave them on the table, please? They will be priced and arranged. In addition, we will now be selling raffle tickets after each Mass. Only £1 a strip, or ‘five for a fiver’.. it has a better ring to it! There will be books of different colours. Why not collect them all?! If you forget to buy a ticket, don’t worry.. we won’t forget to ask you! Thank you.

Day of Mission Retreat: Saturday 10 December, at the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Stratherrick. See the poster for details.

Bambinelli Sunday: Sunday 11 December – Each year on Gaudete Sunday, the Third Sunday of Advent, children in Rome bring their Baby Jesus figures from the cribs in their homes to St. Peter’s Square where the Pope blesses both them and the figurines during the Angelus. Fr Domenico would like to introduce this custom to St Mary’s, and he will bless all ‘Bambinelli’ at the Sunday Mass. ‘This beautiful tradition helps to focus children’s minds on the real reason for Christmas: the birth of our Lord Jesus.’


Bulletin 20th November 2022 (PDF)

Highland Foodbank, operated by Blythswood Care, launched the Reverse Advent Calendar earlier this month to help those in need over the festive period. The initiative runs throughout November meaning people can get the much-needed parcel before Christmas. Different items have been suggested for each day throughout November, including festive treats such as a selection boxes, mince pies, and bags of crisps, as well as necessities such as tinned and dried foods and toiletries. If you are able to support the foodbank we have copies of the calendar at the back of church. The parcels will be collected in the Parish Hall on 3 & 4 December.

Wednesday 23 November: ‘Red Wednesday’ is the day when we pray for all of our Christian sisters and brothers who are being persecuted around the world for their faith in Jesus Christ. Here is a fact for you: more Christians were martyred in the 20th century, than in all the previous 19 centuries put together. Let’s take time on this day to stop and offer our spiritual support. Why not show your solidarity by wearing something red? On Sunday we will have a collection for the work of Aid to the Church in Need.

Thursday 24 November: Requiem Mass for the repose of the soul of Archbishop Emeritus Mario Conti, in Aberdeen Cathedral at 12 noon, celebrated by Bishop Hugh Gilbert OSB. All welcome.

Friday 25 November: Adoration and Prayer Group – the next evening gathering takes place on Friday 25 November at 7.00pm. The evening will involve a period of Eucharistic Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, in the church, with worship music, followed by prayer and meditation on passages from Holy Scripture in the Hall. Everyone is welcome.

Advent Resources: ‘Walk with me’ booklets, with reflections for every day of Advent, are available at the back of the church. There are also booklets for children, together with Advent calendars. Only £1 each.

St. Mary’s Christmas Fayre: Saturday 3 December – Our parish Christmas Fayre takes place in the British Legion, from 10.00am until 12 noon. Admission: £3 per Adult (including tea, coffee..); £1 per child, which includes a visit to Santa, as well as a little gift from him! If you have anything for our Fayre, can you bring any and all items to the hall as soon as possible, and leave them on the table, please ? They will be priced and arranged. In addition, we will now be selling raffle tickets after each Mass. Only £1 a strip, of ‘five for a fiver’.. it has a better ring to it! There will be books of different colours. Why not collect them all?! If you forget to buy a ticket, don’t worry.. we won’t forget to ask you! Thank you.


Bulletin 13th November 2022 (PDF)

TODAY: REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY– this is a day for the nation to remember and honour those who have sacrificed themselves to secure and protect our freedom. We will have a moment of silence at the beginning of our Mass, and a Second Collection will be taken for the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal.

CATHOLICISM – Wednesday 16 AND Friday 18 November, from 7.00pm – In these final two episodes of our course, we will be focusing on ‘Prayer and the Life of the Spirit’, and ‘The Last Things’.

Friday 25 November: Adoration and Prayer Group – the next evening gathering takes place on Friday 25 November at 7.00pm. The evening will involve a period of Eucharistic Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, in the church, with worship music, followed by prayer and meditation on passages from Holy Scripture in the Hall. Everyone is welcome.

St. Mary’s Christmas Fayre: Saturday 3 December – Our parish Christmas Fayre takes place in the British Legion, from 10.00am until 12 noon. There will be stalls, tombola, good raffle prizes, and SANTA himself has promised to make an appearance! Admission: £3 per Adult (including tea, coffee..); £1 per child, which includes a visit to Santa, as well as a little gift from him! Can you offer your time and talent to assist with selling our produce? Speaking of which, if you have anything for our Fayre, could you bring any and all items to the hall, and leave them on the table? They will be priced and arranged. In addition, we will now be selling raffle tickets after each Mass. Only £1 a strip, of ‘five for a fiver’.. it has a better ring to it! There will be books of different colours. Why not collect them all?! If you forget to buy a ticket, don’t worry.. we won’t forget to ask you! Thank you.


Bulletin 6th November 2022 (PDF)

CATHOLICISM – Wednesday 9 November, from 7.00pm – “A Vast Company Of Witnesses: The Communion Of Saints”. The story of the Church is told in the examples of those men and women who dedicated their lives to knowing and serving Jesus Christ. The Catholic Faith is made visible in real human lives. Bishop Barron gives consideration to some of the Church’s greatest heroes, and demonstrates how their extraordinary examples display both the passion and creative potential of the Catholic Church. Highlighting Katharine Drexel, Therese of Lisieux, Edith Stein, and Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Bishop Barron tells the story of the Church as a vast company of witness who are called by Christ to be a Communion of Saints.

Remembrance Sunday: Next week, 13 November – this is a day for the nation to remember and honour those who have sacrificed themselves to secure and protect our freedom. A Second Collection will be taken for the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal.

St. Mary’s Christmas Fayre: Saturday 3 December – a lot of organisation has already taken place for this event, to produce what will undoubtedly be a very enjoyable day! Our parish Christmas Fayre takes place in the British Legion, from 10.00am until 12 noon. There will be stalls, tombola, good raffle prizes, and SANTA himself has promised to make an appearance! Admission: £3 per Adult (including tea, coffee..); £1 per child, which includes a visit to Santa, as well as a little gift from him! Can you offer your time and talent to assist with selling our produce? The more helpers the better! We require the following: a selection of home bakes, especially buttered scones and pancakes (covered, and with a list of ingredients); we also need jams, chutneys, plants, lots of bottles, and raffle prizes (chocolates, biscuits, Christmas puddings and mince pies..). Please hold on to items for the moment, and bring them to the hall some 2 weeks or so before the Fayre, so that they can be priced and/or put into hampers. Many thanks.

Looking forward: Christmas Mass Times at St. Mary’s:
Christmas Vigil (Sat 24 December): 6.00 pm Mass of Christmas Day (Sunday 25 December): 11.30 am


Bulletin 30th October 2022 (PDF)

END OF BRITISH SUMMER TIME! CHANGE YOUR CLOCKS!! Please note that today, 30 October, marks the official ‘end of British Summer Time’. Clocks go back one hour – meaning that we all have an extra hour in bed! Don’t forget!

November – Month of the Holy Souls: November is the month when we remember our dearly departed. If you would like to have any deceased relatives or friends remembered at Mass during November, please place their names in the brown envelopes in the foyer, and hand these in to the Sacristy. All names will be placed in front of the altar, and a selection will be read out at every Mass.

CATHOLICISM – Wednesday 2 November, at 7.00pm – “Word Made Flesh, True Bread Of Heaven: The Mystery of The Liturgy and The Eucharist”. Bishop Barron explores the ancient practices of the Church’s worship that endure to this very day, and the notion that “all value is summed up in the liturgy, the supreme act by which we commune with God.” Considered by the Catholic Faith to be “the source and summit” of its identity and mission, the Eucharist is the central practice of the Church’s culture.

URGENT: Oppose plans to introduce Assisted Suicide to Scotland – Care Not Killing (CNK), supported by the Catholic Parliamentary Office, has launched a petition which aims to stop plans to legalise assisted suicide. This bill risks undermining the provision of palliative care and undermining efforts to prevent suicide. It will make the most vulnerable people, including the elderly and disabled, feel like a burden and its safeguards will prove futile. The current law is the safeguard – it prohibits assisting someone’s suicide and/or killing them by euthanasia. The state ought to support the provision of care, not deliberate killing, for those at the end of life. Please sign CNK’s petition at the back of the church today. Alternatively, you can sign online at


Bulletin 23rd October 2022 (PDF)

“CATHOLICISM”: please note that there will be NO ‘Catholicism’ evening on Wednesday 26 October. Our next meeting will be Wednesday 2 November at 7.00pm. Please spread the word!

Adoration and Prayer Group – this takes place on this Friday, 28 October, at 7.00pm, and on the last Friday of each month. The evening will involve a period of Eucharistic Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, in the church, with worship music, followed by prayer and meditation on passages from Holy Scripture in the Hall. Everyone is welcome.

Today is Mission Sunday.  There will be a retiring collection. 

There will be no Mass on Monday 24th October 


Bulletin 16th October 2022 (PDF)

“CATHOLICISM”: please note that there will be NO ‘Catholicism’ evening for the next two Wednesdays. Our next meeting will be Wednesday 2 November at 7.00pm. Please spread the word!

Adoration and Prayer Group – this takes place on Friday 28 October at 7.00pm, and on the last Friday of each month. The evening will involve a period of Eucharistic Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, in the church, with worship music, followed by prayer and meditation on passages from Holy Scripture in the Hall. Everyone is welcome.

St. Mary’s Christmas Fayre: Saturday 3 December – a lot of organisation has already taken place for this event, to produce what will undoubtedly be a very enjoyable day! Our parish Christmas Fayre takes place in the British Legion, from 10.00am until 12 noon. There will be stalls, tombola, good raffle prizes, and SANTA himself has promised to make an appearance! Admission: £3 per Adult (including tea, coffee..); £1 per child, which includes a visit to Santa, as well as a little gift from him! Can you offer your time and talent to assist with selling our produce? The more helpers the better! We require the following: a selection of home bakes, especially buttered scones and pancakes (covered, and with a list of ingredients); we also need jams, chutneys, plants, lots of bottles, and raffle prizes (chocolates, biscuits, Christmas puddings and mince pies..). Please hold on to items for the moment, and bring them to the hall some 2 weeks or so before the Fayre, so that they can be priced and/or put into hampers. Many thanks.

Parish Piety Stall – as you will see, our Christmas cards and diaries are now on display, and are all available for you to purchase!


Bulletin 9th October 2022 (PDF)

Wednesday 12 October, at 7.00pm – “CATHOLICISM”: Episode 6: “A Body Both Suffering And Glorious: The Mystical Union of Christ and The Church”: Clearly answering the question, “What is the Church?” Bishop Barron presents the reality of the Church as “one, holy, catholic and apostolic.” The Body of Christ can be seen on earth from the Church’s centre in Rome to the cities of New York, Sao Paolo, Manila, Namugongo and Uganda, while still escaping total understanding as the mystical union between Christ and his Church. Bishop Barron also explores the Catholic conviction that the life and presence of Christ continues to embrace humanity in all its joys and sorrows through the presence of the Church.

St. Mary’s Christmas Fayre: Saturday 3 December – keep this date free! Our parish Christmas Fayre takes place in the British Legion, from 10.00am until 12 noon. There will be stalls, tombola, good raffle prizes, and SANTA himself has promised to make an appearance! He is looking forward to meeting all of the children of the parish, and beyond.. Ho Ho Ho!! Admission: £3 per Adult (including tea, coffee..); £1 per child, which includes a visit to Santa, as well as a little gift from him! We require the following: a selection of home bakes, as well as jams, chutneys, plants, lots of bottles (!), and raffle prizes. Please hold on to items for the moment, and bring them to the hall some 2 weeks or so before the Fayre, so that they can be priced and/or put into hampers. Many thanks.


Bulletin 2nd October 2022 (PDF)

Edith Grant, RIP: Edith will be received into St. Mary’s on Friday 7 October at 3.00pm; Please note there has been a change in the arrangements and Edith will be received into the church at 4.00pm.

her Funeral Mass will take place on Saturday 8 October at 9.00am. Her graveside committal will be at Grantown on Spey. Please pray for the repose of her soul.

Wednesday 5 October, at 7.00pm – “CATHOLICISM”: Episode 5: – “The Indispensable Men: Peter, Paul, and the Missionary Adventure”: Bishop Barron calls Peter and Paul “two indispensable men, the ones without whom the church never would have emerged and survived.” In telling each man’s story, Bishop Barron shows how the Holy Spirit worked through all the apostles and disciples to build the Church. Following the trail of these apostles as they took the Gospel to the ends of the earth, Bishop Barron presents the foundations of the apostolic faith, particularly the revelation of Christ’s resurrection from the dead.

This Month: Prayers for Vocations to the Priesthood – During this Marian month of October, we will turn to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Priests, and ask for her intercession as we pray before every weekday Mass, in front of the Blessed Sacrament, for an increase in Vocations to the Priesthood in our Diocese. It is vital that we pray for our own priests, AND for future priests to this diocese. Why not come along and join us?

Friday 7 October at 7.00pm: St. Columba’s Culloden Prize Bingo – why not come along and join the fun?! All welcome!


Bulletin 25th September 2022 (PDF)

5.45pm on Saturday, and by appointment; simply e-mail Fr. Domenico to arrange a suitable day and time.

Sunday 25 September at 3.00pm: Memorial Service for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, at Nairn Old Parish Church. All welcome.

Wednesday 28 September, at 7.00pm – “CATHOLICISM”: Episode 4: “Our Tainted Nature’s Solitary Boast: Mary, the Mother of God”. Bishop Barron journeys to the humble remains of Mary’s house in Nazareth, to the ruins of the ancient city of Ephesus, and to the great Marian shrines of Lourdes and Guadalupe, to explain the Church’s teachings about Mary as the Mother of God, the Immaculate Conception, and the dogma of the Assumption.

THIS FRIDAY: Adoration and Prayer Group – this begins on Friday 30 September at 7.00pm, and takes place on the last Friday of each month. The evening will involve a period of Eucharistic Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, in the church, with worship music, followed by prayer and meditation on passages from Holy Scripture in the St. Mary MacKillop Hall. Everyone is welcome.

Parish Piety Stall – Marie is placing her order for Christmas; if anyone would like her to order a crib, please speak to Emily directly. We will be ordering Christmas cards, 2023 Catholic diaries, and a variety of spiritual gifts for the festive season and beyond.


Bulletin 18th September 2022 (PDF)

Today’s Special Collection is for our Sick and Retired Priests. Priests are required to hand in a letter of resignation at the age of 75, though the Bishop is not required to accept it! We have a number of dedicated men who are still working beyond this age, and even a few hardy octogenarians! At least a dozen of our own clergy will reach the age of retirement within the next ten years, but there is no diocesan provision for them. Please consider supporting them, after their years of selfless service to the People of God.

Wednesday 21 September, at 7.00 pm – “CATHOLICISM”: Episode 3: “That Than Which Nothing Greater Can Be Thought: The Ineffable Mystery of God” – Bishop Barron explains St. Thomas Aquinas’ arguments which support the claim that God truly exists. He also speaks about the nature of God and the challenging question of evil and the existence of God. We travel to the Sinai desert and to Istanbul, walk the streets of Paris, and then are captivated by the glories of the Sistine Chapel in Rome.

St. Mary’s Christmas Fayre: Saturday 3 December – keep this date free! Our parish Christmas Fayre takes place in the British Legion, from 10.00am until 12 noon. There will be stalls, tombola, good raffle prizes, and SANTA himself has promised to make an appearance! He is looking forward to meeting all of the children of the parish, and beyond.. Ho Ho Ho!! Admission: £3 per Adult (including tea, coffee..); £1 per child, which includes a visit to Santa, as well as a little gift from him! We require the following: a selection of home bakes, as well as jams, chutneys, plants, lots of bottles (!), and raffle prizes. Please hold on to items, and bring them to the Fayre, or see Marie. Many thanks.

Rotas: Readers, Counters, and Hospitality rotas from this weekend (18 Sept) until 8 January are now on display. Please check them!


Bulletin 11th September 2022 (PDF)

Wednesday 14 September at 7.00 pm, in the church– “CATHOLICISM”: Episode 2: “Happy Are We: The Teachings of Jesus” The revelation of Jesus as God is accompanied by a stunning invitation to a unique new way of life, explained in the teachings of Jesus. To every generation, the words of Jesus have proven fascinating, disorienting, sometimes confounding, deeply transformative, and always unforgettable. Bishop Barron highlights the Beatitudes, the path of non-violence and lessons of forgiveness, care for the poor and our relationship with God as presented in the parables. Jesus’ teachings are illuminated during Bishop Barron’s pilgrimages to Poland, Germany, Spain and New York City.

Catechist Formation Day – this day will take place at Greyfriars Convent in Elgin, from 11.00am until 3.00pm on 19 November. For further details, contact:

Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) – this is available from 9.00am to 9.30am, at each weekday Mass, and from 5.00pm-5.45pm on Saturday, before the Vigil Mass. Apart from these times, the Sacrament is also available by appointment. The Confessional has been restored: the prie-dieu (‘kneeler’) has been reconditioned with new cushioning, a new red leather cover, and with sanded and revarnished wood. There is also a chair in the Confessional, if you prefer, and you will also find guides on how to make your Confession, for adults and for children. If you would prefer a ‘face-to-face chat’, come into the Sacristy during the stated times. Remember the words of Pope Francis: “God never tires of forgiving us; we are the ones who tire of seeking his mercy.”

The St. Andrew Community are establishing two groups –

  • St. Dominic Savio Club: for children 11 years and younger. This will include sacramental preparation for First Holy Communion. Every Friday from 5-6pm at St. Mary’s Parish Hall, Huntly Street, Inverness – beginning Friday 7 October.
  • St. John Bosco Youth Group: for children from 12 years and older/. Every Friday, 6.30-9.00pm, again in St. Mary’s hall.


Nairn Bulletin 4 September 2022

‘CATHOLICISM’ is here!! – Beginning this Wednesday 7 September, at 7.00pm in the St. Mary MacKillop Hall, and for a total of 10 weeks. Come along and learn what the Catholic Church teaches, and why she teaches it! Our host is Bishop Robert Barron, who will take us around the world, looking deep into our Catholic Faith. This course is open to all! See you there!

Parish Piety Stall – Marie is placing her order for Christmas; if anyone would like her to order a crib, please speak to Marie directly. We will be ordering Christmas cards, 2023 Catholic diaries, and a variety of spiritual gifts for the festive season and beyond.

Catholic Teachers’ Certificate: This course is available for post-graduate students, and for teachers already in post in schools. Courses will be delivered on the following dates at the University of Aberdeen; all courses are from 1.00pm-5.00pm: Friday 9 September 2022; Friday 7 October 2022; Friday 13 January 2023; Friday 17 February 2023. For contact details, please see the attached PDF.


Bulletin 28th August 2022 (PDF)

‘CATHOLICISM’ is coming to the Parish in less than two weeks! From Wednesday 7 September, at 7.00pm onwards, in the St. Mary McKillop Hall, and for a total of 10 weeks thereafter, we will be journeying around the world, looking deep into our Catholic Faith. This study programme is open to everyone! See the poster on the notice board for further details, or ask Fr. Domenico.

Adoration and Prayer Group: beginning on Friday 30 September at 7.00pm – On the last Friday of each month, we are planning an evening of Eucharistic Adoration, with worship music, followed by prayer and meditation on a passage from Holy Scripture. This will be a wonderful time to get together! Adoration will take place in the church, before the Blessed Sacrament, for 40 minutes, and thereafter in the hall. Everyone is welcome!

Saturday 3 December: St. Mary’s Christmas Fayre! – Keep this date free! Our parish Christmas Fayre takes place in the British Legion from 10.00am until 12 noon. There will be stalls, tombola, good raffle prizes.. and SANTA has promised to make an appearance!!! He is looking forward to meeting all the children of the parish, and beyond.. Ho Ho Ho! – Admission: £3 for adults, including tea, coffee, etc.; only £1 for children, which includes a visit to Santa, and a little gift from him! Baking is needed, as well as jams, chutneys, plants, lots of bottles (!), and raffle prizes. There is plenty of time to get baking and think about what you can do to help – your Parish needs YOU! Please see Marie C. is you can assist us in any way. Many thanks.


Bulletin 21st August 2022 (PDF)

CHILDREN’S LITURGY RETURNS TODAY! – All children are invited to come forward, at the beginning of Mass, to receive a blessing, and to have their own liturgy in the St. Mary McKillop Hall.

‘CATHOLICISM’ is coming to the Parish next month! From Wednesday 7 September, at 7.00pm onwards, and for a total of 10 weeks thereafter, we will be journeying around the world, looking deep into our Catholic Faith. This study programme is open to everyone! See the poster on the notice board for further details, or ask Fr. Domenico.

Register your interest in World Youth Day 2023.. NOW! – World Youth Day (WYD) is the gathering of young people from all over the world with the Pope. It is also a pilgrimage, a celebration of youth, an expression of the universal Church and an intense moment of evangelization for the youth world. WYD opens its doors to everyone, no matter how close to or distant from the Church they are. Next year it will be in Lisbon, Portugal, 26 July-6 August 2023. Cost: Approx. £700-900. WYD is open to all young people between the ages of 16 and 35. We would greatly appreciate if you registered you interest via our online form so that we can get a rough idea of who will be interested. Please note that completing the form does NOT mean that you are making a commitment!! Online Form: For further information, please contact :


Bulletin 14th August 2022 (PDF)

‘CATHOLICISM’ is coming to the Parish next month! From Wednesday 7 September, at 7.00pm onwards, and for a total of 10 weeks thereafter, we will be journeying around the world, looking deep into our Catholic Faith. With creator and host Bishop Robert Barron, you will learn what Catholics believe and why, while being immersed in the art, architecture, literature, beliefs and practices of the Catholic tradition. The “CATHOLICISM” Faith Formation Programme brings the beauty, goodness and truth of the Church to life so that you can better understand and share your faith. This study programme is open to everyone! Book your place on Wednesdays in Autumn now!

Weekend Residential Retreats for Youngsters at the Tomintoul Centre – the Dominican Sisters in Elgin have organised a series of retreats specially designed for youngsters attending secondary school. The retreat will be led by the Sisters, together with the Inverurie and Aberdeen Cathedral Youth Groups. This is an ideal way to meet other young people from throughout the diocese, and to make new friends, have fun, and learn about your faith! Please contact Sr. Mary Gianna at:, or Joe Kelly at: youth@cathedralabdn.
org. The weekend retreats are as follows:

S1 Retreat: 26-28 August 2022;
S2-S3 Retreat: 16-18 September 2022;
S4-S6 Retreat: 24-26 March 2023

24 September-1 October: Relics of St. Bernadette at Carfin Grotto – the relics of St. Bernadette can be viewed and venerated at Carfin. Individuals and parish groups are welcome to visit the grotto. Bookings can be made via the dedicated website:


Bulletin 7th August 2022 (PDF)

COLLECTION FOR FR. DAMIAN: thanks to your generosity, £481 has been collected as a thanksgiving gift for Fr. Damian; we have rounded the total up to an even £500.

SUBSCRIPTION TO THE SCOTTISH CATHOLIC MAGAZINE: copies of the Scottish Catholic are not being purchased. Could you please let us know if you would like to continue with this publication, otherwise we will cancel our parish order. Thanks.

REGISTRATION FORMS: please place completed forms in the box at the back of the church, next to the Bulletins.

EUCHARISTIC ADORATION BOOKLETS: Fr. Domenico has purchased large-print booklets for Eucharistic Adoration. These will be available to borrow at our midweek Masses, during Holy Hour.


Bulletin 31st July 2022 (PDF)

PARISH DEVELOPMENT FUND: Today’s Collection will be for our Parish Development Fund, which is earmarked for all of the fabric work at St. Mary’s.

HOME VISITS: if you would like a visit from Fr. Domenico, please do let him know! He is very happy to come and bless your house for you, or even just to have a cup of tea and a chat.


Bulletin 24th July 2022 (PDF)

COLLECTION FOR FR. DAMIAN: there is a basket at the back of the church, to give you the opportunity to contribute towards a gift for Fr. Damian, to thank him for his years of support and care in the parish. NB. Next Sunday is your last chance! 

NEXT SUNDAY – PARISH DEVELOPMENT FUND: Next Sunday’s Collection will be for our Parish Development Fund, which is earmarked for all of the fabric work at St. Mary’s.

LINENS AND SACRISTY: would you like to assist Emily in the preparing our church for the sacred liturgies? Full training will be given! We would also very much appreciate assistance with washing/ironing the linens. Please do help us, if you can, and speak to Emily or to Fr. Domenico.

FAITH FORMATION COURSE: are you interested in learning more about your Catholic faith? Fr. Domenico is intending to offer a series of weekly evening meetings here at St. Mary’s throughout the Autumn – subject to interest. If you would like to find out more, or would like to register your interest, please speak to Fr. Domenico.


Bulletin 17th July 2022 (PDF)

COLLECTION FOR FR. DAMIAN: there is a basket at the back of the church, to give you the opportunity to contribute towards a gift for Fr. Damian, to thank him for his years of support and care in the parish.

ROTAS: Fr. Domenico is looking for someone to deal with the Readers’ Rota for the Vigil & Sunday morning Mass. Can you help?


Bulletin 10th July 2022 (PDF)

TODAY’S SPECIAL COLLECTION: SEA SUNDAY – Today the Church prays for those who live and work at sea. There will be a Collection for Stella Maris, the official maritime welfare agency of the Church. Thank you.

CONTACTING FR. DOMENICO: the best way to contact him is via his mobile number, at the top of the Bulletin, or via email. If he is not available, then Fr. Cameron can be contacted; his mobile number is also listed.

COLLECTION FOR FR. DAMIAN: there will be a basket at the back of the church today, and for the next three Sundays, to give you the opportunity to contribute towards a gift for Fr. Damian, to thank him for his years of support and care in the parish.

CONGRATULATIONS to Marie, Sandy, and Clive, who were ’21 again’ this week! Hoping you had a very Happy Birthday!

SACRAMENT OF CONFESSION: available in the Sacristy each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday during Holy Hour, and at any other time by arrangement. Fr. Domenico is always happy to offer this wonderful Sacrament of healing.

KEYS: if you are a keyholder of either the house, hall, or church, could you make yourself known to Fr. Domenico.

SICK & DECEASED: we pray for our sick and our deceased at all Masses. If there is anyone that you know who should be added to either of these lists, please contact Fr. Domenico.

MASS INTENTIONS: if you would like a weekday Mass offered for someone living or deceased, please see Fr. Domenico.


Bulletin 3rd July 2022 (PDF)

NB. Due to a Funeral in Fortrose, there has been a change to the mass time on Wednesday 06/07/22 with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at 9:00am followed by Holy Mass at 9:30am.

SUNDAY 3 JULY at 4.00pm: ANNUAL MASS AT SCALAN SEMINARY – this annual event at Scalan, near Tomintoul in the Braes of Glenlivet, takes place today. Those driving from the Inverness area should head to Grantown on Spey, and then take the A939 road to Tomintoul. Scalan is a short distance from there. For those on satellite systems, AB37 9JS is a useful postcode.                It is always a great gathering of pilgrims. If you would like to go, and are without transport, please speak to Fr. Domenico.

WEDNESDAY 6 JULY AT 11.30AM: FUNERAL MASS OF DEACON JOHN McEWAN, RIP – Deacon John served for many years in our Highland Deanery, as Parish Assistant at St. Ninian’s, as Chaplain at Porterfield Prison, and latterly as Deacon at St. Peter & St. Boniface in Fortrose. His Funeral Mass will take place on Wednesday 6 July at 11.30am in the parish at Fortrose. The Principal Celebrant will be Bishop Hugh Gilbert OSB. All welcome. May Deacon John rest in peace and rise in glory.

YOUR NEW PARISH PRIEST: Fr. Domenico is known to many of you already. He grew up in the north-east fishing town of Peterhead, in our Diocese. He obtained Honours and Masters degrees, as well as a Doctorate, and worked for a number of years as a Lecturer in Italian Renaissance Literature at the Universities of Bristol and Glasgow. After answering the call of the Lord, he was sent to Rome: he studied Philosophy and Theology at the Jesuit-run Gregorian University, and then embarked on postgraduate studies in Dogmatic Theology with the Dominican Fathers at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (the ‘Angelicum’). Since his Ordination, he has served in a number of different roles: as Assistant Priest at St. Mary’s Inverness; as Private Secretary to the Papal Nuncio in London; as Priest in Charge at Thurso & Wick; then in Beauly; and finally as Parish Priest at St. Columba’s Culloden.        In addition to caring for the parishes of Nairn and Culloden, Fr. Domenico is also Vicar General of the Diocese, a Diocesan Trustee, a member of the Diocesan College of Consultors and the Council of Priests, and Vocations Director for the Permanent Diaconate…       he has a fast car!! He looks forward to getting to know you, and is delighted to have the privilege of serving you at St. Mary’s.

MASS TIMES: please note the new Mass times, which are changed out of necessity, and are subject to review. When Fr. Domenico is not engaged elsewhere, there will also be a Monday morning Holy Hour & Mass. Thank you for your patience and understanding. 

HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE, 2-9 MARCH 2023: Fr. Domenico is leading an 8-day pilgrimage to the Holy Land, following the footsteps of Jesus: from Jerusalem and Bethlehem to Nazareth and the Sea of Galilee. There is a special ‘early bird’ price until 15 July for this 8-day / 7-night pilgrimage of £1,169. The price includes: a non-stop return flight from the UK to Tel Aviv airport, an air-conditioned luxury touring coach and professional local guide, and en-suite half-board hotel accommodation in Tiberias and Bethlehem. For further details, together with online booking, please go to this link:

Next Sunday 10th July there will be a Special Collection for Sea Sunday  


Bulletin 26th June 2022 (PDF)

Mass Times w/c 26/06/22:

Saturday Vigil Mass 6pm

Sunday Morning Mass 10.30am

Weekdays – Monday 10am. Tuesday 7pm. Wednesday 10am and 7pm.   

NB: Wednesday is the Solemnity of St. Peter and St. Paul (Holy Day of Obligation).

Rosary: Tuesday 6.30pm.   

Holy Hour: Wednesday 9am.  


Sunday Mass Times – From next week 02nd and 03rd July, the Saturday Vigil Mass will remain at 6pm however the Sunday Morning Mass will change to 11.30am (Time to remain under review).  


Pluscarden Pilgrimage and Family Day: The Bishop invites us all to join him on the Diocesan Pilgrimage this Sunday 26th June, the World Meeting of Families Day. 1pm – Adoration and the Sacrament of Reconciliation, 3pm – Mass and Procession. For those who put their names down, the Mini Bus leaves at 1pm from the Community Centre. The cost will be £5 for the Return Journey.

This weekend we have a Second Collection for St. Peter’s Pence


Bulletin 19th June 2022 (PDF)

Pluscarden Pilgrimage and Family Day: The Bishop invites us all to join him on this Diocesan Pilgrimage on Sunday 26th June, the World Meeting of Families Day. 1pm – Adoration and the Sacrament of Reconciliation, 3pm – Mass and Procession. Please put your name on the list if you would like to travel by Mini Bus. We have booked a 14-Seater and have a few spaces left. The cost will be £5 for the Return Journey.    

Parish Volunteers: We are in need of more volunteers to assist with cleaning (Elaine MacDonald) and flower arranging (Emily Lamont). Please see the PDF for phone numbers.

Congratulations: To the seven candidates receiving their First Holy Communion this Sunday. Thanks to all those who helped prepare for this celebration.


Due to a Pastoral Committee event, Mass on Tuesday evening  21st June, will be at 6pm

There will be a second collection next week for Peter’s Pence


Notice 12th June 2022 – It was announced this morning, through the Bishop’s Letter that Fr. Damian is to leave his present post as Parish Priest on June 26th and will take up a new appointment with his Missionary Society, St. Patrick’s Missionary Society. Fr. Domenico Zanre, the present Parish Priest of St. Columba’s Culloden, the neighbouring Parish, and the Vicar General of the Diocese, will also become the new Parish Priest in Nairn.


Bulletin 12th June 2022 (PDF)

NB: The Mass this Tuesday will be at 10am, as it is an Anniversary Mass for George Lavery RIP, our former Parish Chairperson. There will be refreshments in the Hall after Mass.

Pluscarden Pilgrimage and Family Day: The Bishop invites us all to join him on this Diocesan Pilgrimage on Sunday 26th June, the World Meeting of Families Day. 1pm – Adoration and the Sacrament of Reconciliation, 3pm – Mass and Procession. Please put your name on the list if you would like to travel by Mini Bus. We have booked a 14-Seater and have 5 spaces left. The cost will be £5 for the Return Journey.    

 Congratulations: To Thomas Ward, who is to be received into the Roman Catholic Church this Sunday and receive the Sacraments of the Eucharist and Confirmations. We formally welcome Thomas into the community of St. Mary’s, Nairn.   

First Holy Communions: Next Sunday we celebrate that 7 Candidates will receive the Eucharist for the first time. 14 Pews will be reserved and so the Church will be very busy. We do have good capacity at the Vigil Mass on Saturday Evening. All Parishioners are welcome to the Reception afterwards. Families should gather inside the Hall, with other Parishioners to go to the outside Gazebo.


Bulletin 5th June 2022 (PDF)

Pluscarden Pilgrimage and Family Day: The Bishop invites to join him on this Diocesan Pilgrimage on Sunday 26th June, the World Meeting of Families Day. 1pm – Adoration and the Sacrament of Reconciliation, 3pm – Mass and Procession. Please put your name on the list if you would like to travel by Mini Bus.

This Sunday is Development Sunday.


Bulletin 29th May 2022 (PDF)

‘The Eucharist’ – A Series of Talks by Bishop Hugh: The link for the final talk on Thursday 2nd June is 

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Service: Sunday 5th June at 10.30am, Nairn Old Parish Church.  

The 2022 Pluscarden Pentecost Lectures: A series of four public lectures will be livestreamed from the USA, from 7th to 9th June. More details at    

Pluscarden Pilgrimage and Family Day: The Bishop invites to join him on this Diocesan Pilgrimage on Sunday 26th June, the World Meeting of Families Day. 1pm – Adoration and the Sacrament of Reconciliation, 3pm – Mass and Procession. Please put your name on the list if you would like to travel by Mini Bus.     

Parish Volunteers: We are in need of more volunteers to assist with cleaning (Elaine MacDonald) and flower arranging (Emily Lamont). Please see the PDF for phone numbers.

St.Vincent de Paul Monthly Collection and Donations for Jubilee Pudding Competition£218.80.


Notices 22nd May 2022

Thursday is the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord. It is a Holyday of Obligation. Masses at 10am and 7pm.

FUNERAL MASS FOR ANNE HAMILL – The details of Anne’s funeral are as follows:
Sunday 29 May at 4.00pm: Reception into the Church.
Monday 30 May at 11.00am: Funeral Mass (ALL WELCOME); thereafter an interment at Nairn cemetery.
Please pray for the repose of her soul – may she rest in peace and rise in glory.


Bulletin 15th May 2022 (PDF)

‘The Eucharist’ – A Series of Talks by Bishop Hugh: Will take place every Thursday up to 2nd June at 7pm at St. Mary’s Cathedral. They can also be followed on YouTube. The link for the 19th May is The link for the 26th May is  

The 2022 Pluscarden Pentecost Lectures: A series of four public lectures will be livestreamed from the USA, from 7th to 9th June. The lecturer is Dr. Christopher Ruddy (Associate Professor of Systematic Theology at The Catholic University of America). More details at    

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Pudding Competition: The announcements of the winners will be made after the 10.30am Mass, on Sunday 15th May. Please come to the Hall to taste the puddings. All funds raised for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.  

Parish Volunteers: We are in need of more volunteers to assist with cleaning (Elaine MacDonald) and flower arranging (Emily Lamont). Please see the PDF for phone numbers.


Bulletin 8th May 2022 (PDF)

Rosary: During this Marian month of May, 30 minutes before Mass from Monday to Friday.   

Crowning of Our Lady – Sunday 15th May: We will begin our Liturgy outside, at the statue of Our Lady, at 10.30am.

Inauguration of the Shrine of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart – St Lawrence’s, Dingwall: The programme on Friday 13th May begins with Mass at 7pm, celebrated by Bishop Hugh. 

‘The Eucharist’ – A Series of Talks by Bishop Hugh: Will take place every Thursday up to 2nd June at 7pm at St. Mary’s Cathedral. They can also be followed on YouTube. The link for week’s talk is 

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Pudding Competition: A reminder to bring your entries to the St. Mary MacKillop Hall before the 10.30am Mass on Sunday 15th May. All funds raised for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.  Please see posters for further details.


Bulletin 1st May 2022 (PDF)

Rosary: During this Marian month of May, 30 minutes before Mass from Monday to Friday.

‘The Eucharist’ – A Series of Talks by Bishop Hugh: Will take place every Thursday up to 2nd June at 7pm at St. Mary’s Cathedral. They can also be followed on YouTube. The link for week’s talk is 

New Dawn Day – St. Mary’s Cathedral, Aberdeen: This takes place on Saturday 7th May from 10am to 8pm. Further details at

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Pudding Competition: A reminder to bring your entries to the St. Mary MacKillop Hall before the 10.30am Mass on Sunday 15th May. All funds raised for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.  Please see posters for further details.

SCIAF Lenten Campaign – £1101 (Special Collection and Wee Boxes). Thank you for the wonderful effort.


Bulletin 24th April 2022 (PDF)

Parish Confirmations – Bishop Hugh will be here next Sunday for the sacrament to be conferred on our seven Candidates. The Sunday Mass will therefore be very busy, but we have capacity at our Saturday Vigil Mass. 

First Holy Communion Classes: Resume on Wednesday at 6.15pm.

‘The Eucharist’ – A Series of Talks by Bishop Hugh: Will take place every Thursday up to 2nd June at 7pm at St. Mary’s Cathedral. They can also be followed on YouTube. The link for week’s talk is


Bulletin 17th April 2022 (PDF)

NB: Mass will be at 10am on Monday and Tuesday this week. No Masses Wednesday to Friday.

Children’s Liturgy – Resumes next Sunday. 

Confirmation and First Holy Classes: Resume on Monday 18th April and Wednesday 27th April at 6.15pm respectively. 

‘The Eucharist’ – A series of Talks by Bishop Hugh: Will take place every Thursday from 21st April to 2nd June at 7pm at St. Mary’s Cathedral. They can also be followed on YouTube. The link for week’s talk is 

SCIAF Wee Boxes: Please return them to the Church on Saturday 23rd/Sunday 24th April.    

Donations to assist Ukraine: Please go to the SCIAF Website.


Bulletin 10th April 2022 – Holy Week Triduum (PDF)

Holy Week and Easter Triduum:

Palm Sunday – Vigil Mass 6pm. Morning Mass 10.30am.
Monday of Holy Week – Mass 10am.
Tuesday of Holy Week – Rosary 9.30am. Mass 10am.
Wednesday of Holy Week – Holy Hour 9am. Mass 10am.
Holy Thursday – Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7pm.
Good Friday – Stations of the Cross 12 Midday. Celebration of the Lord’s Passion 3pm.
Holy Saturday – Easter Vigil in the Holy Night 9pm.
Easter Sunday – Morning Mass 10.30am.  

Sacrament of Reconciliation: Tuesday 5pm-7pm. Saturday 10am-12 Midday.     

Donations to assist Ukraine: Please go to the SCIAF Website. 

Scottish Catholic Magazine: The copy for 8th April is now available. Due to Covid/Holidays etc. some of the copies have not been collected. Please kindly collect and pay for them.        

New Dawn Day: St. Mary’s Cathedral, Aberdeen on Saturday 7th May from 10am to 8pm. A day of prayer and worship, workshops and witness. Details at


Bulletin 3rd April 2022 (PDF)

Holy Week and Easter Triduum:

Palm Sunday – Vigil Mass 6pm. Morning Mass 10.30am.
Monday to Wednesday – Mass at 10am.
Holy Thursday – Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7pm.
Good Friday – Stations of the Cross 12 Midday. Celebration of the Lord’s Passion 3pm.
Holy Saturday – Easter Vigil in the Holy Night 9pm.
Easter Sunday – Morning Mass at 10.30am. 

Lenten Station Masses: Mass this Friday 8th April at St.  Lawrence, Dingwall, at 7pm.  

Covid Guidance: It will be no longer necessary to wear a facemask during Mass from Monday, April 4th.

SCIAF Wee Boxes: Please return them to the Church on Saturday 23rd/Sunday 24th April. This weekend we also have our Special Collection.

This Sunday is Development Sunday.


Bulletin 27th March 2022 (PDF)

NB: No Mass this Monday.

Lenten Station Masses: Mass this Friday 1st April at St.  Vincent de Paul, Tain, at 7pm.  

St. Vincent de Paul Society-Nairn Conference. Meeting this Wednesday at 7pm in the St. Mary MacKillop Hall. New members welcome. 

Parish Lenten Lunches: Our second lunch lunch on Sunday 3rd April, in support of SCIAF, is now cancelled. There will now be a Special Collection next week. Please continue to collect in your Wee Boxes. Please bring them on Sunday 24th April.   

Walking for Ukraine: Please support Magnus Henderson, who is preparing for his First Holy Communion in June, in his initiative to walk 40 Miles for Lent to raise funds to assist the relief effort in Ukraine. The link is

Special Collection for SCIAF next week.


Bulletin 20th March 2022 (PDF)

NB: Friday is the Solemnity of The Annunciation of the Lord. 10am – St. Mary’s, Nairn. 7pm – St. Mary’s, Inverness

Lenten Station Masses: Mass this Friday 25th March at St. Mary’s, Inverness, at 7pm. 

Parish Lenten Lunches: Thanks to everyone who helped organise and attended our first lunch last Sunday. £400 was raised to support Mary’s Meals and Traidcraft. Please come and support our second lunch on Sunday 3rd April, after Mass, in support of SCIAF. 

Walking for Ukraine: Please support Magnus Henderson, who is preparing for his First Holy Communion in June, in his initiative to walk 40 Miles for Lent to raise funds to assist the relief effort in Ukraine. The link is

Donations to assist Ukraine: Please go to the SCIAF Website.    

Special Collection for St. Patrick’s Missionary Society 90th Anniversary – £271.


Bulletin 13th March 2022 (PDF)

NB: Saturday is the Solemnity of St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Parish Lenten Lunch: This Sunday in the St. Mary MacKillop Hall after Mass. Donations welcome for Mary’s Meals and Traidcraft.

Companions of St. Mary MacKillop: Invite Parishioners to the St, Mary MacKillop Hall after Mass on Saturday for Stations of the Cross and Refreshments. It is the anniversary of the founding of the Josephite Order.

Lenten Station Masses: Mass this Friday 18th March at St. Ninian’s, Inverness, at 7pm. 

Donations to assist Ukraine: Please go to the SCIAF Website.

Special Collection this Weekend – St. Patrick’s Missionary Society 90th Anniversary.


Bulletin 6th March 2022 (PDF)

Stations of the Cross: Friday 9.30am.

Restoration of Sunday Obligation: This comes into effect from this Sunday.    

Synod Meetings: Will be held in St. Mary MacKillop Hall after the Vigil Mass and Sunday Morning Mass. Mrs and Mrs McPherson from Beauly will facilitate the meetings and refreshments will be served. Please participate in this important process.    

Lenten Station Masses: Mass this Friday 11th March at St. Mary’s, Beauly, at 7pm.   

Feast of St. John Olgilvie: Mass this Saturday 12th March at St. Thomas’, Keith, at 11am.  

New Dawn in Scotland-Lenten Healing Service: Friday 11th March, 7.30pm-9pm. To join this Service from the Augustine Clare Priory, Suffolk, the weblink is      

NB: This Sunday is Development Sunday.


Bulletin 27th February 2022 (PDF)

NB: Wednesday is Ash Wednesday. Masses at 10am and 7pm. Pope Francis is calling us all to spend the day in Fasting and Prayer for Peace.

Restoration of Sunday Obligation: This comes into effect on the First Sunday of Lent, March 6th.

Highland Deanery Lenten Station Masses: Mass this Friday 4th March at St. Columba’s, Culloden at 7pm. 

‘Lent With Luke’ at St. Columba’s, Culloden:  This Scripture Course can be attended in person or on Zoom on Wednesdays,  March 9th to April 6th at 7pm. Please see detail on link to register Lent With Luke


Bulletin 20th February 2022 (PDF)

Synod Meetings: Will be held in St. Mary MacKillop Hall after the Vigil Mass on Saturday March 5th and Morning Mass on Sunday March 6th. Mrs and Mrs McPherson from Beauly will facilitate the meetings and refreshments will be served. Please participate in this important process.

Beetle Drive: Every Thursday at 2pm in the St. Mary MacKillop Hall. The cost is £3, including refreshments and raffle. All Welcome.


Bulletin 13th February 2022 (PDF)

Restoration of Sunday Obligation: This comes into effect on the First Sunday of Lent, March 6th.         

Parish Council: Meets at 7.30pm on Tuesday.

Beetle Drive: Will resume from Thursday at 2pm in the Parish Hall. The cost is £3, including refreshments and raffle. All Welcome.


Bulletin 6th February 2022 (PDF)

NB: On Thursday Mass will be at 9.30am. Rosary at 9am

Diocesan Synod – ‘Synodality in the Life & Mission of the Church’: Saturday 12th February at 2pm. Watch live at 

Scottish Catholic Safeguarding Agency: Are recruiting Board Members. If interested the link is


Bulletin 30th January 2022 (PDF)

NB: Wednesday is the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord.

Parish Hall: Tea/Coffee after Mass will resume next Sunday.

World Day for the Sick: Friday 11th February at 11am. Those with Health Challenges and the Elderly are especially invited to receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick during Mass. Refreshments will be served in the Parish Hall afterwards.

Christmas Development Appeal – £1,335.

Beetle Drive: Will resume in the Parish Hall every Thursday, from February 17th. The cost is £3, including refreshments and raffle.

Next Week is Development Sunday.


Bulletin 23rd January 2022 (PDF)

Parish Hall: Following Government Guidelines, the Parish Hall will be closed on Sundays until February. The Toilet Facilities will be available. 

Day of Prayer, Recollection and Healing: Friday 11th February at Stratherrick. Begins at 10.15am and ends at 3.20pm, with lunch provided.

Diocesan Synod – ‘Synodality in the Life & Mission of the Church’: Saturday 12th February at 2pm. The Keynote Speaker is Cardinal Mario Grech, General Secretary of the Synod of Bishops. Watch live at       

Christmas Development Appeal – £1,247 (inc. Gift Aid). Thank you for your continued generosity.


Bulletin 16th January 2022 (PDF)

New Parish Email: Please use this to contact on all Parish Matters.


Diocesan Synod: You will soon be invited to participate in this. There will be daily posts on to help prepare for our local synod meeting.

Christmas Development Appeal – £1,135 (inc Gift Aid). Thank you for your continued generosity.


Bulletin 9th January 2022 (PDF)

Children’s Liturgy – Resumes this Sunday.

Confirmation Classes: Begins this Monday 10th January at 6.15pm.

First Holy Communion Classes: Resumes this Wednesday 12th January at 6.15pm.  

Parish Hall: Following Government Guidelines, the Parish Hall will be closed on Sundays until at least February. The Toilet Facilities will be available.

Christmas Development Appeal – £965 (inc. Gift Aid). Thank you for your continued generosity.


Bulletin 2nd January 2022 (PDF)

NB: Tuesday 4th January – Mass at 10am.

Restoration of Obligation for Sunday Mass: This has been postponed until a later date.

Children’s Liturgy – Resumes on Sunday 9th January.

Confirmation Classes: Begin on Monday 10th January at 6.15pm.

First Holy Communion Classes: Resume on Wednesday 12th January at 6.15pm.  

Parish Hall: Following Government Guidelines, the Parish Hall will be closed on Sundays until further notice. The Toilet Facilities will be available.     

St. Patrick’s Missionary Society – Used Stamp Appeal: Please put your stamps in the box at the back of the Church. 

Diaries: On Sale for £5.