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Bulletins 2025

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Bulletin 9th March 2025 (PDF)

Lenten Station Masses 2025 – Masses take place each Friday in Lent at 7.00pm, at the following locations:
14 March: St. Mary’s, Inverness; 21 March: Christ the King, Brora ** ; 28 March: St. Ninian’s, Inverness; 4 April: St. Anne’s, Thurso; 11 April: St. Peter & St. Benedict, Fort Augustus. ** NB. Bishop Hugh will be Principal Celebrant at Brora and Fort Augustus **

Coach for Thurso Station Mass – St. Mary’s in Inverness is organising a 49-seater coach for the Station Mass at Thurso on 4 April. For further details, including booking a seat, and pricing, please contact St. Mary’s office on: 01463 233519.

Saturday 15 March: St. Patrick’s Night at St. Mary’s, from 7.15pm – come and join us for a taste of the Emerald Isle, in our parish hall! With live music, entertainment, raffle, bar, and food, including Irish stew! Tickets priced £12; all proceeds to our repair and renovation fund.

Wednesday 2 April: Day of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament – from the end of Mass on Wednesday morning, 11.00am until 8.00pm. Will you spend one hour with the Lord? See the sign-up sheet at the back of the church; at least two people are needed to cover each hour.

Friday 11 April: St. Mary’s Fashion Show! – At Nairn Community Centre, in aid of the parish building & repair fund. With models on the catwalk, courtesy of Brambles, with wine and nibbles, and a raffle with great prizes. Bar also available ‘on the night’. See the poster on the noticeboard for tasks. Tickets on sale now, priced £18 (exact amount appreciated)! NB. Volunteers needed for ‘behind the scenes’

St. Moluag’s Coracle – we are Scotland’s only national Catholic magazine producing articles on faith history, culture and more, all with a Scottish twist. Every fortnight you will receive a new article straight to your inbox with a selection of other shorter reads. Our writers live and worship here in Scotland and include Priests, Bishops, academics and others with something designed to provoke some thought and hopefully encouragement as we journey in our faith today. Subscribe for free, or if you wish to support us, donate £4.99 a month. You can find the magazine online, at the following address:


Bulletin 2nd March 2025 (PDF)

Monday 3 March: Inverness Justice & Peace Group – Meeting at St. Columba’s Culloden, at 7.30pm. The aim of the group is to learn, discuss and pray about issues related to Catholic Social Teaching, specifically related to justice and peace. All welcome!

Wednesday 5 March: Ash Wednesday: Day of Fasting and Abstinence – Mass, with the Distribution of Ashes, will take place at 10.00am at St. Mary’s, and at 7.30pm at St. Columba’s Culloden. Both Masses will be preceded by the opportunity for the Sacrament of Confession.

Friday 7 March: World Day of Prayer – Service of Prayer at St. Ninian’s Church of Scotland at 2.00pm, followed by refreshments.

Saturday 8 March: St. John Ogilvie Mass – at St. Thomas’, Keith, from 2.00pm. Main Celebrant: Bishop Hugh. All welcome.


Bulletin 23rd February 2025 (PDF)

Friday 11 April: St. Mary’s Fashion Show! – At Nairn Community Centre, in aid of the parish building & repair fund. With models on the catwalk, courtesy of Brambles, with wine and nibbles, and a raffle with great prizes. Bar also available ‘on the night’. See the poster on the noticeboard for tasks. Tickets on sale now, priced £18 (we would appreciate the exact amount)!


Bulletin 16th February 2025 (PDF)

Saturday 15 March: St. Patrick’s Night at St. Mary’s, from 7.15pm – come and join us for a taste of the Emerald Isle, in our parish hall! With live music, entertainment, raffle, bar, and food, including Irish stew! Tickets priced £12; all proceeds to our repair and renovation fund. If you intend coming along to this event, please speak to Fr. Domenico after Mass, to give us an idea of interest and viability. Thanks.

Wednesday 2 April: Day of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament – from the end of Mass on Wednesday morning (c. 10.30am) until 8.00pm. Will you spend one hour with the Lord? See the sign-up sheet at the back of the church; at least two people are needed to cover each hour. Please speak to Eric for further details.

Saturday 31 May: St. Mary’s Church Fayre, 12 noon-3.00pm – open to all children of primary school age. All money raised is for the breakfast clubs at our schools in Nairnshire. We are looking for volunteers to help with planning, as well as for ‘on the day’. Please speak to Maria Macpherson, Mags Smith, or Eric Hanna for further information.

First Holy Communion June 2025: Children of P3 age or above are invited to prepare for the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. Please speak to Bridget Gordon or Maria McPherson for further information.


Bulletin 9th February 2025 (PDF)

Today: World Day for Marriage – today, we are asked to pray particularly for all married couples that God may daily give them the strength and energy to support one another and their families. We especially pray that those who are experiencing difficulties in their relationship may seek help, either from diocesan marriage counsellors, or from organisations such as Retrouvaille


Bulletin 2nd February 2025 (PDF)

Men’s Rosary Group: meets again, from Thursday 6 February at 6.00am onwards. All men welcome!

Evening Adoration: on Tuesday 11 February , from 7.00pm, and thereafter on every second Tuesday of the month. All welcome.


Bulletin 26th January 2025 (PDF)

Friday 21 February at 7.00pm: Inter-Church Quiz at the URC – Teams of 4 players. If you would like to enter, could you please let Catherine Delaney know by 14 February at the latest.


Bulletin 19th January 2025 (PDF)

The Inverness Justice & Peace Group will begin meeting again on Monday 3rd February – the group will meet on the first Monday from 7:30-8:30 in the parish room at St. Columba’s in Culloden. For the first meeting, Anne-Marie Clements from the National Office of Justice & Peace will lead the discussion and help to plan future topics. All welcome! For more information, contact Jill Kent – please see the bulletin for contact details.

Friday 11 April: St. Mary’s Fashion Show! – This will take place in the Nairn Community Centre, in aid of the parish building & repair fund. With models on the catwalk, wine and nibbles, and a raffle with great prizes. Bar also available ‘on the night’. More details to follow.

90 Club: 2025 fees now due – £30 for the year. Fees can be handed in anytime from next Sunday onwards. Please place in an envelope with your name and contact phone number. Thank you!


Bulletin 12th January 2025 (PDF)

Today’s Second Collection: SPUC White Flower Appeal – this year’s appeal is entitled ‘Every Life Matters’. Organised by the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children, it calls for the UK Government to support all life, however small, vulnerable, or marginalised, in accordance with the UN Declaration on the Rights of the Child. Please support today’s Second Collection for the work of SPUC.


Bulletin 5th January 2025 (PDF)

Welcome to our visitors! Next to the church is our hall (entrance at the back of the building). There is a toilet available, and we also have live transmission of Mass, via our TV screen. After Mass, we gather in the hall for FREE tea/coffee and cakes. Everyone welcome! Why not join us?!

New to the Parish? Please introduce yourself to Fr. Domenico, and fill in a Parish Register Form (on the table, at the back of the church).

Today’s Second Collection: Justice & Peace – The National Commission for Justice and Peace advises the Scottish Bishops’ Conference of the Catholic Church in matters relating to social justice, international peace and human rights, and promotes action in these areas. For further information, see the J&P website:

The Inverness Justice & Peace Group are looking to restart at the end of January. We plan to meet monthly to learn, discuss and pray about issues related to justice and peace, as promoted by Pope Francis and the Catholic Church. If you would like to be involved please contact Jill Kent – please see the bulletin for contact details.

First Holy Communion June 2025: Children of P3 age or above are invited to prepare for the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. Please speak to Bridget Gordon or Maria McPherson for further information.

2 New Bible Studies for the New Year! Join other members of the Diocese of Aberdeen in a 6-week Zoom study on either the wonder of the Mass (Thursdays at 7pm, starting 23 January) or the Virgin Mary (Wednesdays at 7pm, starting 15 January). Register at or email Sr. Mary Gianna at

90 Club: Christmas Draw Winners! – First Prize: Joan Cameron; Second Prize: Harry Swann; Third Prize: Eleanor Ross. Congratulations to all our winners! Would you like to have the chance of joining them? Speak to Elaine de Ste. Croix!