LSA Course- Information
Category: Conference / Workshop
May 27
Servers Training Day – Saturday 25th June
Servers Training Day Saturday 25th June 11.00-15.30 11-11.30 Welcome, Opening Prayers, Introductory Presentation 11.30- 12.15 Workshops x 3 (Thurible, Book, Candles) 12.30 Mass 13.15-13.45 Lunch 13.45-14.30 Workshops x 3 (Cruets and Chalice, Cross and Bells, Mitre and Crozier) 14.30-15.15 Quiz/Treasure Hunt 15.15-15.30 Membership of Guild of St Stephen and Closing Prayers (Timings …
Feb 19
Lent with Luke – St. Columba’s Church Culloden
In March and April, Fr. Domenico will be giving a series of talks on Holy Scripture. The course is entitled “Lent with Luke”, and will focus on the author of the third Gospel, and on the principal themes in his account. He will look at the Gospel passages that feature in our Sunday Masses during …